Hey everyone! I want to take a minute to make an important announcement about this site.
No, don’t panic! It’s not going anywhere! I, however, am. The time has come for me to gracefully bow out of maintaining Idina-Here. I have loved every minute of it, and am grateful to Kim, the site’s creator, for entrusting me with this jewel. Don’t you fret, though; I’m not leaving the Idina fandom – not even close! (I know you were all worried, right?) I’ll be getting more involved with the official side of things, and I look forward to being able to use everything I’ve learned from this site and all the fans I’ve met and talked to over the last four years to shake things up a bit.
So, what becomes of Idina-Here if I’m departing? Just as Kim passed the “torch” to me, I am passing it to my dear friend – and the source of nearly all the videos added in recent years – Jill. She’ll handle everything from here on out (Twitter, tumblr, Formspring, etc), so any questions about the site that you’d normally ask me, come Monday, she’s your gal! Her contact information and bio will be added this weekend.
Thank you, Jill, for taking over this project. I know you’ll do it justice. :)
Over and out,
♥ Erin
thank you Erin…
Thank you so much, Erin, for everything you’ve done for this website! You are greatly appreciated!
Thank you sooooo much Erim!! It’s so cool that you’re going to be working on the official website!! congradulations
Congradulations Erin. Thanks for all your help in the past.
Welcome Jill.
Erinnnn, you’ve done such a good job on this site! I can’t wait to see what Jill has in store. Thanks for everything you’ve done for Dee and her fans. <3
xoxo – Ash.
Aw Erin!!!
Thank you very much for doing this. I haven’t been here for long but you did great! It’s great that you’re also be on the official side of things. I know Idina trusts you so for that congratulations! :)
Welcome to you Jill!!!! :)
CONGRATULATIONS!! :D You’re going to be missed! Thank you for everything Erin, you’re our little superstar :’) everything you’ve done for us is greatly appreciated! You’re amazing :). Good luck with everything in the future, you deserve it! <3
Welcome Jill, no doubt you're going to keep up the amazing work :)