Donation Drive

Hi everyone! Once again, Idina-Here needs your help to cover our annual hosting fees. Please consider making a donation to help us keep the site growing. There are two ways to donate:

1. Paypal: For donations of $10 or more, click the button below. This will take you to Dreamhost donation page where you can make your donations.

Donate towards my web hosting bill!

For less than $10, please send the donation (no matter how small, every bit helps!) to
I’ll then forward the money to our hosting account.

2. Another great way of helping, if you’re in need of a great host for your site, is by using us as a referer when signing up for a yearly Dreamhost account. Read more here

All donations of $2 or more, plus Dreamhost referals, received before September 30th get a chance to win a copy of Idina’s new “Holiday Wishes” CD to be released on October 14th. Winner will be chosen randomly.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira