If/Then Opens in LA with Idina

Things have been pretty quiet as Idina Menzel continues the If/Then tour. This week the show opened at the Pantages theater in Los Angeles. I’ve added pics to the gallery:
[cpg_album:766,10] Idina also has several promo appearances lined up. Idina spoke with LA’s ABC7 about the show:

On Monday, she will appear on The Ellen Degeneres Show and on Wednesday, she will appear on Good Day LA. I’ll post videos if they become available.

If you live in the Los Angeles area, make sure you check out Idina at the show! If/Then runs at Pantages until January 3. She will perform in San Diego, CA from 1/5 – 1/10, Tempe, AZ from 1/12 – 1/17, and wrap up her run in Costa Mesa, CA from 1/19-1/24. Idina’s Broadway standby, Jackie Burns, has officially been announced as Idina’s replacement in the remaining tour cities.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira