Zoom with Idina for A BroaderWay!

Want to Zoom with Idina Menzel?! Support A BroaderWay with a $100 donation and join Idina for a private preview of her latest project, made especially for a family audience. The event will take place on December 22 at 7pm EST via Zoom. At the hour-long event you’ll have a chance to meet some of Idina’s A BroaderWay friends and participate in a Q&A! The event is suitable for all ages and children are encouraged to attend. Get your tickets here!

As you probably already know, Idina is a co-founder of A BroaderWay, which celebrated its 10th Anniversary this year. The foundation’s goal is to amplify the power of young women through the arts. Learn a little more below and at ABroaderWay.org.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira