It’s that time of year again when asks for help in paying the annual hosting fees. If you enjoy this site, please consider clicking on the button below to donate to our hosting fees fund. Even a dollar or two can make a big difference! You can also see more information on the donation page.
How to donate:
-If you choose to donate $10 or more, just click on this button to be taken to Dreamhost’s PayPal page. The money goes directly to the hosting fees.
-If you choose to donate less than $10, you must use PayPal to send me the amount at Jill(at) and I have to transfer the money to Dreamhost. They’ve recently changed the minimum amount of donation that is accepted for the direct transfers.
And as an added thank you, I’ll randomly choose one donor of $2 or more to receive a signed headshot. Donations will always be accepted, but I’ll choose one winner on September 30th, so donate by noon EST on September 30th to be qualified as a participant.
While news and going-ons are rather slow right now as Idina prepares for the next set of concerts, I found something new to entertain ourselves! I’ve compiled some screenshots of Idina’s official site from over the years and I thought it’d be fun to share. Click on the image below to go to the page for more.