Category: Updates

Poll Time: Past Theatre

Poll Time: Past Theatre

Time for a new poll! What show, that you haven’t seen Idina in, would you have liked to see her live at the time? Not including If/Then because she’s still doing that one.

You can choose up to 2 shows this time. So Wicked plus one more, ok?

Read more about all these shows in our Theatre page, which includes links to the gallery so you can see pics of each production as well.

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Week Round-Up

Week Round-Up

Slow week in Idinaland while we wait for the big surprise reveal! I’d ask what you think it is but I think the guessing game has turned to “when do you think it’s going to be revealed?” by now ;)
So anyway, while we exercise our patience and test our let it go skills, I’ve compiled a short list of some of the things that happened this week all in one post.

Canada AM Interview
On Wednesday morning, Idina talked about Holiday Wishes, Frozen and If/Then. Cute little interview. Click below to go to the interview site.


Halloween at If/Then
Everyone in the If/Then pit dressed as Idina for Halloween and Carmel Dean (If/Then’s conductor) posted the pictures to her twitter:

Random Gallery Updates
Mostly stage door pics sent by awesome fans (send yours!) and some other random pictures that I still have lying around.

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Site Info / Help the site
I updated the “donate” page with other non-money ways you can help the site if you feel like doing so. Read about it here.
And I’m going to use this short tidbit here to say first, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has sent pictures and/or commented about the site recently, you’re awesome. And secondly, I’m slowing down the site work the next 6-8 weeks so if you send anything I might take a while to reply. Worry not, all the latest news and events will still be posted as they happen, here or on twitter.

BCEFA Fundaraiser
To finish this post on a fun note, great video taken last night by @srodillado

Funny thing tonight @Ifthenmusical.@idinamenzel was talking when she noticed me filming and then commented not to focus on her bottom but top. She is a funny funny woman.

Poll Time: Holiday Wishes

Poll Time: Holiday Wishes

‘Holiday Wishes’ is on track to enter this week’s Billboard 200 album chart right around #13 (read more here), which is quite the feat considering it came out in mid October! So our first semi-regular poll* has to do with ‘Holiday Wishes’ and which of the songs is your favorite. Personally, I love December Prayer, though I’m putting the album away for a while to rediscover it in December ;)

Cast your votes below!

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*This was going to be titled “Weekly Poll” but the truth is I don’t think I can come up with a new question every week so let’s just call it poll time!

Calling all fan artists!

Calling all fan artists!

The new fan corner with all your amazing meeting Idina stories is almost ready and now I’m starting to rebuild the fan art gallery.

If you enjoy making any kind of Idina related art and sharing it with other fans, send it in!

Any kind of graphics are welcome (wallpapers, icons, social media headers, edits, etc), videos are now accepted too and I’m open to consider other things not mentioned here. Just keep it nice and clean so younger fans can enjoy it too.

Make sure to let me know how you would like to be credited. Nicknames are fine and if you have a website or blog or tumblr or whatever, you can send that too and I’ll link back to your site.

Send all submissions to

I’m still, and always will be, accepting meeting Idina stories. You can send those to the same email. Pictures of your meeting are more than welcome.

Idina-Here.Com Poll

Idina-Here.Com Poll

I have just one last post today, and it’s a poll! Because this site is made by and for Idina fans, I would really love to know what you look for when you visit

Some of these options are still a work in progress or don’t currently exist, and maybe I missed a few that you can add as a comment if you feel like it. You can pick up to 3 options, and any other message or suggestion you may have, please leave a comment on this post.

Thanks in advance to everyone participating in this poll, your opinion will help me get priorities set for my work around here :)

[poll id=”21″]

Note: I’m doing a comments test run, and for the time being you don’t need to register on the site to leave a comment. I do need to approve all comments before they show up on the site, so if you don’t immediately see it published please wait a few hours.

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