Slow week in Idinaland while we wait for the big surprise reveal! I’d ask what you think it is but I think the guessing game has turned to “when do you think it’s going to be revealed?” by now ;)
So anyway, while we exercise our patience and test our let it go skills, I’ve compiled a short list of some of the things that happened this week all in one post.
Canada AM Interview
On Wednesday morning, Idina talked about Holiday Wishes, Frozen and If/Then. Cute little interview. Click below to go to the interview site.
Halloween at If/Then
Everyone in the If/Then pit dressed as Idina for Halloween and Carmel Dean (If/Then’s conductor) posted the pictures to her twitter:
Random Gallery Updates
Mostly stage door pics sent by awesome fans (
send yours!) and some other random pictures that I still have lying around.
Site Info / Help the site
I updated the “donate” page with other non-money ways you can help the site if you feel like doing so. Read about it here.
And I’m going to use this short tidbit here to say first, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has sent pictures and/or commented about the site recently, you’re awesome. And secondly, I’m slowing down the site work the next 6-8 weeks so if you send anything I might take a while to reply. Worry not, all the latest news and events will still be posted as they happen, here or on twitter.
BCEFA Fundaraiser
To finish this post on a fun note, great video taken last night by @srodillado
Funny thing tonight @Ifthenmusical.@idinamenzel was talking when she noticed me filming and then commented not to focus on her bottom but top. She is a funny funny woman.