Category: Updates

Donation Drive

Donation Drive

Hi everyone! Once again, Idina-Here needs your help to cover our annual hosting fees. Please consider making a donation to help us keep the site growing. There are two ways to donate:

1. Paypal: For donations of $10 or more, click the button below. This will take you to Dreamhost donation page where you can make your donations.

Donate towards my web hosting bill!

For less than $10, please send the donation (no matter how small, every bit helps!) to
I’ll then forward the money to our hosting account.

2. Another great way of helping, if you’re in need of a great host for your site, is by using us as a referer when signing up for a yearly Dreamhost account. Read more here

All donations of $2 or more, plus Dreamhost referals, received before September 30th get a chance to win a copy of Idina’s new “Holiday Wishes” CD to be released on October 14th. Winner will be chosen randomly.

Fan Corner Re-Launch

Fan Corner Re-Launch

One of the things I’ll be working on this weekend is relaunching the Fan Corner. I’d really like to make Idina-Here not only a place where fans can come and get info on Idina, but also to share their experiences, contribute to the site and interact with each other. So first order of business is this section of the site where you can send in your stories and your fanart as well. I’d really like to launch it with some content already in it, so calling for your contributions!

Have you met Idina? Send your story to fan_corner[at]

Same(ish) conditions as before apply:
– ONLY accepting Meeting Idina Stories (i.e. no fanfiction, etc)
– ‘1-of-a-kind’ stories preferred (3-second, “she looked right at me!” meetings don’t count).
– Not every story will be posted, though I’ll try to include as many as possible. You will be notified by e-mail if/when your story is added.
– Correct all grammar/spelling mistakes.
– Pictures of your meeting are allowed, and encouraged, though not mandatory.
– Send your stories to fan_corner[at]
– Make sure all information is correct before submitting.

You can read some of the stories already published here

Would you like your fanart to be featured in the Fan Corner? Read below!

– Accepting all kinds of art: digital (wallpapers, icons, and any other graphics), drawings, videos, etc.
– You will be notified by e-mail if/when your fanart is added.
– Send your fanart to fan_corner[at]

If you have any questions e-mail me to the same address listed above or leave a comment on this post and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Catching Up

Catching Up

Hey everyone! Sorry I’ve been MIA, exams kept me busier that I thought they would. So let’s play catch-up!

First and foremost, real “news”: PBS is airing Idina’s interview with Charlie Rose tonight. Check your local listings.

Now onto a few oldish news so we can move on to the newer stuff as it starts happening:

+ Idina was featured in M&V Magazine, with a new interview, which you can read here.


+ Along with Tom Kitt, Idina performed songs from If/Then at Soundcheck. You can see the performance here, as well as pictures from it at Soundcheck’s tumblr.

+ The cast of If/Then played “Name that Tune” with Seth Rudetsky, listen to that here.


+ Shoshana Bean and Eden Espinosa visited If/Then… here

That’s all for now, regular updates will resume now! And stay tuned for some site news this weekend



Sorry things haven’t been updated in awhile.  My life got in the way, but things have been pretty quiet as Idina gears up for the new tour. I’m thinking we need a contest soon to celebrate the new tour and Idina’s upcoming birthday. Hmm…


Recent updates and going-ons:

Radio interview with 99.1 The Mix in Milwaukie – Click to listen

Radio interview with Weekend Edition NPR – Click to listen

Article with the Modesto Bee

Interview with Artist Direct

Interview with Rage Monthly: Edge on the Net

US Weekly – Idina Menzel: What’s In My Medicine Cabinet?

A BroaderWay event coverage by ET – Click here

And two new shows!  Idina will be performing at Rochester Auditorium Theatre on Oct 27th.  And you can spend New Years Eve with Idina (sorta!) when she performs at the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles!

And lots of new pictures!  Idina’s been spending a bit of time catching up on shows and other events in NYC.  Click the pictures below to see the last uploads to the gallery.



Hi everyone!  I just wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself.  I’m Jill and I’ve been a huge fan of Idina’s for a long time.  You can read a little more about me here.  I’m very excited to be working on this page now but please bear with me as I learn my way around!  If you ever have any suggestions, comments, tips, or new pictures to share in the awesome gallery, send me a message at Jill[at]!

And now on to more exciting things — another concert!  Idina will be performing her 32nd show on this symphony tour (if I counted that correctly) with the Utah Symphony in Park City on July 30th.  Fan pre-sale information can be found at the official site.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira