Category: Updates



The Count Basie Theatre has donated a pair of tickets to the October 12 performance of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra with Idina to Read on for how to win them!

– Answer 3 trivia questions…

1) What has Idina said that too many clams might make happen? (There are a few different acceptable answers.)
2) Who will be conducting the symphony at Idina’s performance on October 12?
3) Where was the theatre’s namesake born?

– E-mail your answers to contest[AT] (replace the [AT] with @) with NJ TICKET CONTEST in the subject line.

– Deadline to enter is July 18, 2010.


  • Contest is open to everyone of all ages and in all countries.
  • Do not enter if you cannot be in Red Bank, NJ on October 12, 2010 on your volition.
  • Limit one (1) entry per person/email address. Multiple entries will be thrown out.
  • Winner will be chosen at random from all correct entries and notified on July 19, 2010. Winner must accept prize within 48 hours by responding to notification e-mail and providing the requested information. If winner does not respond or is unable to attend, another winner will be chosen from the remaining correct entries, and so on, until the prize is accepted. The winner will be announced on this website & Twitter upon confirmed acceptance.
  • Winner will receive two (2) tickets to the October 12, 2010 performance of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra at Count Basie Theatre with guest vocalist Idina Menzel. Tickets will be held at the venue’s box office as “will call” to be picked up by the winner the night of the performance with valid photo ID. Winner is responsible for providing their own transportation and housing.
  • If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask them here in the comments. I ask that ALL questions are asked in the comments so that other people may who may have the same questions may read the questions and my answers.




    Here is our final Glee media update (at least, until next time? Maybe?):
    If you live in the US and you missed it, or simply want to watch it agin, you can watch “Journey” online on Hulu. You can also download Idina’s scenes via our media page.

    “Journey” – ep. 1.22 – June 8, 2010
    Description: Idina plays Shelby Corcoran, coach of Vocal Adrenaline.
    Time: 4:52 | Size: 72.9 MB
    © Fox | site exclusive
    Format: .m4v

    Playbill has announced that Idina will be a presenter at the 64th Annual Tony Awards, airing this Sunday, June 13 at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT on CBS. Make sure you tune in, and check back here throughout the night for photos from the red carpet! They will uploaded to our gallery in this album.



    Three years ago, Idina-Here creator Kim designed a whole mini section of the site, called the Fan Corner, designed celebrate Idina’s fans.

    Sadly, the mini site never really got implemented. But, it’s time to change that! I know tons of you have met Idina, especially in recent years on her tours. If you have, I’m asking for you to contribute to making this site more worthy of its title as the premiere fan resource by getting the FANS involved. I also know many of you like to play in Photoshop and make Idina-centric graphics like LiveJournal icons and desktop wallpapers, or if you’re a more traditional artist who has drawn, painted, sketched, etc etc something of Idina, I want it all added to our special fan gallery.

    I want you all to spend some time reminiscing about the time you won a meet & greet, or talked to Idina at a stage door, or sat next to her on a plane, and write it out to be archived here. If you’ve already written your story on your blog or a message board, you can provide a link to it instead of retyping it if you wish. Same goes for any and all artwork.

    You can visit the instructions/submission page by clicking on the above graphic or hitting the shortcut on the right column of this page. Even if you have nothing to contribute [yet], be sure to visit the Fan Corner regularly to read other people’s stories and check out the artwork.

    Hope to read about your awesome experiences soon!

    GLEE 1×21 UPDATE

    GLEE 1×21 UPDATE

    Here is this week’s requisite Glee media update – short & sweet this time!

  • If you live in the US and you missed it, or simply want to watch it agin, you can watch “Funk” online on Hulu. You can also download Idina’s scenes via our media page and check out screencaps in the gallery.
  • “Funk” – ep. 1.21 – June 1, 2010
    Description: Idina plays Shelby Corcoran, coach of Vocal Adrenaline.
    Time: 1:27 | Size: 18.6 MB
    © Fox | site exclusive
    Format: .m4v

    Also, Jessica J. is the winner of our San Francisco Symphony ticket giveaway. Congratulations, Jessica, and thanks to everyone who participated (and to the Symphony for donating the tickets)!

    GLEE 1×20 UPDATE

    GLEE 1×20 UPDATE

    THAT’S what THEATRICALITY is truly about!

    How amazing was Idina on Glee last night? SO amazing! Seth Rudetsky would say she was amahhhhzing. She finally got her time in the solo spotlight, singing a wonderfully poignant rendition of “Funny Girl,” and showed off her acting chops in emotional scenes with costar Lea Michele. Their “Poker Face” duet was fun and had a surprising emotional streak to it. Both tracks are available on iTunes – click their hyperlinked titles above to purchase and help Idina climb the iTunes singles charts for the second week in a row!

  • If you live in the US and you missed it, or simply want to watch it agin, you can watch “Theatricality” online on Hulu. You can also download Idina’s scenes via our media page, and check out hundreds of screencaps and 2 HQ promo stills in the gallery.
  • “Theatricality” – ep. 1.20 – May 25, 2010
    Description: Idina performs “Poker Face” with Lea Michele and “Funny Girl.”
    Time: 15:27 | Size: 228.5 MB
    site exclusive
    Format: .m4v

  • Idina and Twitter are becoming good friends, making her 3/3 in trends to Glee appearances.

  • In non-Glee news…

    There are only 6 days left to enter our ticket giveaway contest for Idina’s concert in San Francisco on July 9! If you haven’t already, make sure you read the rules & enter today! The deadline is 11:59 pm EDT May 31, 2010 and the winner will be chosen June 1, so get those entries in! (Please remember that the prize is 2 concert tickets ONLY and not a complete travel package. You must be able to/from get yourself to San Francisco!)

    The fan club presale for Idina’s Brookville, NY concert on October 2 has launched! For details, visit Public on sale begins June 5.

    Idina’s birthday is this Sunday, May 30, and we’ll be posting a “birthday card” here on the site. If you want to wish Idina a happy birthday, be sure to register with our site so you can leave your comments on the post where Idina will see them!

    Theme: Overlay by Kaira