Category: Updates



I finally found time to get our awesome contest entries uploaded for voting! Sorry for the delay, everyone – between trying to keep the site clean from infections (and not always succeeding) and life, I didn’t have time. But here we go!

I received 11 great entries for our October “Idinafy Yourself” costume contest. Now, everyone can head over to the photo album in the gallery by clicking here to review the photos. Choose your ONE favorite and send me an email at contest[*at] with the number of your choice as the subject. Please enter only the actual number (ex 1, 2, 3) in the subject, as extra characters or numbers will slow down my tally of the votes. You do not need to send me any other information in the body of the email. Yes, you may vote for yourself, but no one may vote more than once – I’ll know if you voted multiple times from different email addresses, so please don’t waste your (or my) time trying. :)

Voting ends November 10 at 11:59 pm ET and winner will be notified on November 11. The winner will receive a personalized & autographed Idina lithograph. Good luck to the entrants – your costumes are great!




Thanks to everyone for participating in September’s metaphorical photography contest! The photos that were submitted were all AMAZING. I’ve reviewed everyone’s guesses, and here are the winners:

AnLi‘s photograph received the most correct guesses and will receive a personalized lithograph!
Zoe submitted the most correct guesses and will receive an autographed limited edition copy of I Stand!
Claire‘s subtly poignant photo representing “Hope” was my personal favorite in light of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month and will receive an autographed photo of Idina!

The answers will be revealed in the contest album in the coming days. I’ll announce on Twitter when the song titles are available. Comments on the photos are now allowed, so feel free to discuss and debate in the meantime!

Speaking of Twitter and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, each time you include “#beatcancer” in your tweets, 1 cent is donated to breast cancer research, so tweet away, and make sure you include #beatcancer. smile

Reminder that you have just two more weeks to work on October’s Idina-fy Yourself costume contest!



I forgot I had promised to post more detailed information for the costume contest back on October 1. My apologies! The good news is that the info I’m about to post won’t have any effect on what you’ve done or are planning to do.


– Dress up like Idina, whether it’s a costume from her shows or something else.
– Take a picture of yourself wearing your costume. You may take more than one photo if necessary to better showcase your creation (I will combine your photos into one large photo for gallery addition purposes). You can team up with friends, use props, etc., but regardless of how many people are in your image, there is only ONE prize. Sorry!
– Rename your images as your name, i.e. JaneD.jpg, and email the picture(s) to me at contest[AT] with “OCTOBER CONTEST” as your subject. Please tell me what your costume is, even if it’s obvious. You have until 11:59 pm ET on November 1 to submit your entries.
– ONE entry per person/team.
– Open to everyone, all ages, worldwide.
– All photos will be added to the Gallery and visitors to the site will be allowed to view and vote on their favorite costume (how-to will be posted once images are added). The biggest vote-getter will receive a personalized and autographed Idina lithograph!

Also a reminder that there are just 3 more days remaining to submit your guesses on our Shutterbug contest. You could win an autographed limited edition copy of I Stand. Read the rules by clicking here.



We received nearly 100 awesome photos for our September photography contest! Now it’s time for Part II, so here we go:

Part II – Rules

  • View the Shutterbug album in the gallery located here.
  • Each photo’s name is a number. You’ll see it if you hover over the pic, view the properties, or read the “Filename” field in the File Info section below the image.
  • Compose an email listing your guesses for what Idina song each photo represents (i.e. 1. Defying Gravity), send it to contest[at] with “September Guesses” as your subject.
  • Entries must be received by October 15 at 11:59 pm ET.
  • Open to everyone, all ages, worldwide.

    Note: Some #’s might be missing due to me getting confused with file renaming. Also, make sure you go through all 3 pages of photos!

    The taker of the photo that receives the most correct guesses will win a personalized, autographed Idina Menzel lithograph, and the fan that submits the most correct guesses wins an autographed limited edition copy of “I Stand.” If there are any ties, the winners will be chosen at random from those tied.

    Good luck to all participants! Have fun!



    I’ve decided to extend our September photography contest, since we only have 15 different entrants thus far! I know everyone’s busy with school, work, life, etc this time of year, so I’ll give you all one more week. Get your photos submitted to me by September 30th at 11:59 pm ET!

    Read all about the photography contest’s rules by clicking here to read the original post.

    Theme: Overlay by Kaira