Category: Videos

‘Baby, it’s cold outside’ Music Video

‘Baby, it’s cold outside’ Music Video

The music video for Idina’s duet with Michael Buble, ‘Baby it’s cold outside’ was released yesterday.

And another recent video…

An amazing #‎GypsyOfTheYear fundraising auction occurred at Broadway’s IF/THEN musical over the weekend. Idina Menzel offered audience members the chance to join her in singing “Let It Go,” from the Oscar-winning animated film FROZEN, onstage at the Richard Rodgers Theatre. The impromptu auction raised $4,800 for Broadway Cares.

1 Million Surprise + Other Updates

1 Million Surprise + Other Updates

The big surprise to celebrate Idina’s 1 million fans on Facebook was finally unveiled yesterday!
In case you haven’t seen it, watch below.

Idina Menzel Opens Up About Her New Album “Holiday Wishes”

Redbook is out this week!
Idina’s Redbook issue hits newstands this Tuesday Nov 18th, make sure to get your copy! Read a few bits from the interview here.

iHeartRadio concert

Idina’s iHeartRadio concert takes place this Thursday in NY and you can win tickets for it! Click here
For those of us unable to attend, the concert will be livestreamed here.

We have a lot more Idina events to look forward to in upcoming weeks, check out the sidebar to find more info about them and make sure to follow @idina_here on twitter to get all the latest updates.

Redbook Magazine sneak peek and videos

Redbook Magazine sneak peek and videos

While her jaw-dropping version of “Let It Go” became the anthem of 2014, Idina Menzel was quietly moving on after separating from husband Taye Diggs, recording a holiday album, headlining a Tony-nominated Broadway show… and panicking about raising her son, just like any mom.

On what inspired her to make Holiday Wishes, an album full of Christmas songs

“To be honest, my love for Christmas came when I started dating Taye. One of my fondest memories of our relationship was how we celebrated Christmas. He has a big family, so we would reserve Christmas Eve for ourselves. I wanted to be the good shiksa girlfriend.”

On how Frozen and John Travolta flubbing her name at the Oscars reset the course of her career

“It’s the best mistake that’s ever happened to me. Just having the kind of success where people might know my name—my real name! It took me a long time to stop chasing it and just embrace it.”

On starting to date again after her divorce

“I’m open to it. I just don’t have a lot of time. They’d have to meet me at, like, midnight after the show, and that’s kind of slutty, isn’t it?”

On being a single mother now and balancing her commitment to Broadway show, If/Then

“The guilt is the thing that we as women all feel, whether we stay at home or we work. There are a lot of double standards with the way the men in our lives see how we make those choices. I think there’s an accounting for how much time I spend with my son, and men don’t have to account for how much time they spend with their child. It hurts to feel that’s a judgment being made. Because we’re already judging ourselves.”

Read the full interview in the December/January issue of REDBOOK, on newsstands November 18.

All you have to do is listen to “Let It Go” once to know that Idina Menzel doesn’t hold anything back, which is at least part of the reason why we loved spending time with the musical powerhouse at her cover shoot—it also didn’t hurt that she regaled us with a tale about how she recovered from her most embarrassing moment (spoiler: It involves a wardrobe malfunction) and taught us how to sing in gibberish. When you watch this, you’ll see what we mean.

CMA Country Christmas

The CMA Country Christmas taping took place last night in Nashville, TN and Idina was a big part of it performing three songs! First ‘Do you hear what I hear’ with the kids, next an amazing ‘Let it Go’ duet with Jennifer Nettles (video below) and lastly, ‘White Christmas’. Make sure not to miss it on TV next month, CMa Country Christmas airs Monday December 1st, 8pm ET on ABC.

During the taping Idina announced she’s going on tour! There’s probably going to be an official announcement in the coming weeks since the special is supposed to air in December, so we’ll know more about it soon. So exciting!

Over 200 pictures of the taping are now in the gallery. Enjoy!

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Let it Go with Jennifer Nettles

Week Round-Up

Week Round-Up

Slow week in Idinaland while we wait for the big surprise reveal! I’d ask what you think it is but I think the guessing game has turned to “when do you think it’s going to be revealed?” by now ;)
So anyway, while we exercise our patience and test our let it go skills, I’ve compiled a short list of some of the things that happened this week all in one post.

Canada AM Interview
On Wednesday morning, Idina talked about Holiday Wishes, Frozen and If/Then. Cute little interview. Click below to go to the interview site.


Halloween at If/Then
Everyone in the If/Then pit dressed as Idina for Halloween and Carmel Dean (If/Then’s conductor) posted the pictures to her twitter:

Random Gallery Updates
Mostly stage door pics sent by awesome fans (send yours!) and some other random pictures that I still have lying around.

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Site Info / Help the site
I updated the “donate” page with other non-money ways you can help the site if you feel like doing so. Read about it here.
And I’m going to use this short tidbit here to say first, thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has sent pictures and/or commented about the site recently, you’re awesome. And secondly, I’m slowing down the site work the next 6-8 weeks so if you send anything I might take a while to reply. Worry not, all the latest news and events will still be posted as they happen, here or on twitter.

BCEFA Fundaraiser
To finish this post on a fun note, great video taken last night by @srodillado

Funny thing tonight @Ifthenmusical.@idinamenzel was talking when she noticed me filming and then commented not to focus on her bottom but top. She is a funny funny woman.

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