Enter to Win A Signed Copy of “idina.”!

On Friday, I had the opportunity to see the amazing Idina Menzel perform and meet her after her show at the Altria Theater in Richmond, VA! The show itself was amazing. I’ve seen her in concert many times before (as far back as Barefoot at the Symphony), and this was a great mixture of new songs and old favorites.

The overall feel of the show was very different from past shows I’ve attended, and I think it was because she performed so much of her own album material. I loved watching her perform songs from idina. and play around a little bit with the arrangements of some of the classics, like combining “Defying Gravity” with “Wind Beneath My Wings”.  My album favorites were definitely “Small World”, “Perfect Story” and “I Do”.  I love Frozen, so I thought the “Dear Prudence”/”Do You Want To Build A Snowman” mashup was particularly inventive and a cool way to reach all of her fan segments. I also loved her encore, where she performed “I See You” and “Every Time We Say Goodbye”. She spoke about the importance of actually being seen and told the audience about a Zulu greeting that means “I see you” and the response, “I am here”.

After the show, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to see her! I met her briefly at her album signing in September and she remembered me, which surprised me! She signed my program as I rambled and I brought up her upcoming role in SKINTIGHT. She mentioned that it’s a small thing (the theater seats about 400 people) and said “I won’t be singing!” lol.  She also took some time to sign four copies of idina. so that I could give them away to a few of you lucky fans! You can enter to win here:

I will add that she did have a media/radio meet and greet after the show, so pay attention and see if you can enter local contests. Good luck!

You do NOT want to miss Idina on tour, so check out all her upcoming dates at IdinaMenzel.com! If you’ve already seen her and have photos, please send them my way so that I can add them to the gallery! E-mail me at Heather@idina-here.com or tweet me/message me a Dropbox/Google Drive/etc link @Idina_Here!

My signed program:


One thought on “Enter to Win A Signed Copy of “idina.”!

  1. That is so amazing that she remembers you. She has got to be the most genuine celebrity I’ve ever seen!! Can’t wait to see her in skylight. I want to get tickets as soon as I can because I’ve never seen her in a Broadway show before. I did see her in Long Island on April 7th and she was Phenomenal!! Thank you so much for doing this contest :)

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