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1450 views02/10/08 at 14:27iSpeak_Elphie: SLAP FIGHT TIME!!! YA!!!! ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITE P...

1705 views02/10/08 at 14:26iSpeak_Elphie: that doesnt even look like idina!!!

1328 views02/10/08 at 14:22iSpeak_Elphie: Idina's lke, I used to hate you, then i only l...

380 views02/10/08 at 10:08degreenified: 7th that a million times

397 views02/10/08 at 10:07degreenified: wow jesus look at those amazing cheekbones!
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 HAIR-qa1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_HAIR-qa1%5B1%5D.jpg)
892 views02/09/08 at 20:03Alevermor: Does her shirt saw Cuba on it? Wonder if she's...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 HAIR-bow1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_HAIR-bow1%5B1%5D.jpg)
727 views02/09/08 at 20:02Alevermor: she's the one with the green pants!!! I love t...

2093 views02/09/08 at 19:58Alevermor: Did Daphne perform too?

344 views02/09/08 at 18:21iSpeak_Elphie: She looks like she just washed the heck out of her...

900 views02/09/08 at 18:10iSpeak_Elphie: Oh my God I I got half way through the video on yo...

2120 views02/09/08 at 18:03thespaniard2010: kiss me goodbye, i'm defying gravity!! <3

9973 views02/09/08 at 15:22idinafan09: Idina looks so gorgeous. I never thought I'd g...

279 views02/08/08 at 23:24going2NY: I know it's the tounge!! it is so her secret f...

322 views02/08/08 at 15:43iSpeak_Elphie: making love to the chair is a nervous habit??

356 views02/08/08 at 15:41iSpeak_Elphie: Sh messes up on the lyrics. She says "you'...

939 views02/08/08 at 15:38iSpeak_Elphie: Of course she has a huge mouth! How do you think s...

329 views02/08/08 at 15:33iSpeak_Elphie: Bumpida Bumpida traffic!! I love idina!

7942 views02/07/08 at 22:37gabyguhu: too cute... i mean can they be anycuter.. imagine ...

807 views02/07/08 at 18:53iSpeak_Elphie: She got a little crazy and started taking off her ...

509 views02/07/08 at 16:13Changed4Good: what;s with taye and like, really ugly glasses?

1803 views02/07/08 at 16:00Changed4Good: Yeah, real sexy taye. Not.
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal7[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal7%5B1%5D.jpg)
4601 views02/07/08 at 14:59imy12345: i love love love it. i hav this pic coz i went 2 c...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal2[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal2%5B1%5D.jpg)
5209 views02/07/08 at 14:56imy12345: i no me 2. i dnt no y i just absolutely adore this...

649 views02/06/08 at 20:29elphaba93: i saw this CD at borders last weekend lol....

489 views02/06/08 at 19:03soccerlauren65: lol, she is like, "wats going on down there??...

667 views02/06/08 at 18:49soccerlauren65: "you know, she does this...blah blah blah&quo...

816 views02/06/08 at 18:48soccerlauren65: to the person above me. i am thinkin the SAME THIN...

894 views02/06/08 at 18:46soccerlauren65: this is actually when she is saying " i am so...

316 views02/06/08 at 18:36soccerlauren65: look at the igrl next to idina. hahahaha. her FACE...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 03[2].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_03%5B2%5D.jpg)
533 views02/06/08 at 14:15ad: you guys do know that according to the torah (jewi...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 MeetingIdina-IdinaandKen[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_MeetingIdina-IdinaandKen%5B1%5D.jpg)
788 views02/06/08 at 08:39SCdancer: Being a lefty is neat cuase your different but the...

2174 views02/06/08 at 08:37SCdancer: I really liked this movie! I wish Idina had gotten...

2646 views02/06/08 at 08:31SCdancer: Loooove this pic.

781 views02/05/08 at 15:05iSpeak_Elphie: I know, I just watched the trailer on youtue and h...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 normal_04[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_normal_04%5B1%5D.jpg)
1621 views02/05/08 at 14:58iSpeak_Elphie: SHE"S PREGNANT!!!! She looks very odd pregnan...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 02[3].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_02%5B3%5D.jpg)
1699 views02/05/08 at 14:57iSpeak_Elphie: I like the way she has her hair!!

841 views02/04/08 at 23:18Alevermor: I just watched this performance in the video secti...

1752 views02/04/08 at 23:17Alevermor: ^I was just gonna come say that! I think it is!

2174 views02/04/08 at 20:02Elphaba to be: She was really the only good thing about that movi...

648 views02/04/08 at 19:59Elphaba to be: Aw, I hate this picture and love it all at once. :...

3426 views02/04/08 at 19:27xelphabaxfaex: Sammy Davis Jr Jr awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Time Out New York - October 20051650 views02/04/08 at 19:24xelphabaxfaex: ahahahahaha that's right.

Hot Zone Magazine 1996 - 'Rent' 3183 views02/04/08 at 19:19xelphabaxfaex: holy sheit look at those ABS! you go wilson!

836 views02/04/08 at 01:40soccerlauren65: i think she kinda looks like the one person in The...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 Idina-RENT_14[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-RENT_14%5B1%5D.jpg)
2382 views02/03/08 at 20:20iSpeak_Elphie: UGH the hair!! Buy a hair straitener Idina!!!
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 Idina-RENT_13[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-RENT_13%5B1%5D.jpg)
2312 views02/03/08 at 20:20iSpeak_Elphie: i love the look on her face!

2589 views02/03/08 at 20:17iSpeak_Elphie: By the looks of it she is probably trying to tame ...

3124 views02/03/08 at 20:15iSpeak_Elphie: LOOK OUT TAYE!! She's throwing a chair at you!...

2805 views02/03/08 at 20:11iSpeak_Elphie: Their doing a script circle. Everybody in the cast...

2846 views02/03/08 at 20:09iSpeak_Elphie: idina looks like she just rolled out of bed...Lol.
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal8[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal8%5B1%5D.jpg)
4601 views02/03/08 at 20:06iSpeak_Elphie: sorry Kristen but Idina's is already taken...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal7[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal7%5B1%5D.jpg)
4601 views02/03/08 at 20:05iSpeak_Elphie: Day Dreaming of Taye... She looks like she's g...
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