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Date added=Oct 13, 2005 GabbyFanPicture[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_GabbyFanPicture%5B1%5D.jpg)
826 views12/12/07 at 20:30pookie10: yeah, i have definitely seen the resemblance betwe...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 FanPhoto-idina1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_FanPhoto-idina1%5B1%5D.jpg)
893 views12/12/07 at 20:29pookie10: HA!!! she has attached earlobes and SO DO I!!!!! y...

876 views12/12/07 at 20:28pookie10: LUCKY, LUCKY BOY.

1077 views12/12/07 at 20:28pookie10: thank you, lbelle. definitely needed to be said. I...

1476 views12/12/07 at 20:26pookie10: haha little boy MAKE ROOM FOR ME!!!!!!!!!! i don...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 AutographSigning1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_AutographSigning1%5B1%5D.jpg)
853 views12/12/07 at 20:23pookie10: i think it all depends. i know you guys will proba...

683 views12/12/07 at 20:21pookie10: she looks so different!!! i love it!!!! she's ...

135 views12/12/07 at 18:36ilovekeirak: 2 items essential to broadway shows, sugar and twi...

488 views12/12/07 at 18:26ilovekeirak: i'd say its probably the script
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 babyidina1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_babyidina1%5B1%5D.jpg)
5735 views12/12/07 at 15:45IdinaRocks14: Awwww.....lil' Dee!!!!

8375 views12/12/07 at 15:37IdinaRocks14: ^^^ Hmmmmm.....yeah I was wondering about that too...

648 views12/12/07 at 15:33IdinaRocks14: Awww.....Dee don't be sadddddd.....cause now I...

584 views12/12/07 at 15:31IdinaRocks14: I'm a lefty like she is and we both have the s...

488 views12/12/07 at 15:28IdinaRocks14: Omg! I have those same shoes in blue! I feel speci...

779 views12/12/07 at 15:17IdinaRocks14: This was before the Tony Awards the year she won a...

2312 views12/11/07 at 21:30DefyingGravity36: I think she has Hazel eyes...i read that in an int...

1025 views12/11/07 at 10:52adameyelashlover: she just needs to adjust her dress a little and it...

1797 views12/10/07 at 20:00defygravity1991: cheekbones!! they're soooo beautiful!

1619 views12/10/07 at 17:46dreamerjj: OH MY GOD! This pics are coming out so looong afte...

545 views12/10/07 at 13:44CrunchyGreat: Idina's like, "Wut you want, punk?"

220 views12/09/07 at 19:29idinaluvr: i know ^^^^

1621 views12/09/07 at 10:34carlita_2011: She looks and IS amazing!!! Just as (or even bette...

585 views12/09/07 at 01:47ilovekrislemche: "Lets go freak everybody out" haha i lov...

2285 views12/08/07 at 22:01cutieepiee: cute:) i love idina's eyes and funny that her ...

1728 views12/08/07 at 22:00cutieepiee: i freakin love idinas expression and eye roll in t...

1873 views12/08/07 at 21:59cutieepiee: i love idina!!! same question here, what are her e...

1898 views12/08/07 at 21:55cutieepiee: look at jessie's face closely. lol. cute huh?

2072 views12/08/07 at 21:51cutieepiee: awww!!! how cute!!! jessie and taye look sooo youn...

648 views12/08/07 at 21:47xxFanxx: What is this..?

1837 views12/08/07 at 21:46cutieepiee: who?!
it has to be idina rite?

2174 views12/08/07 at 21:41xxFanxx: I was at the movie theatre with a bunch of friends...

1604 views12/08/07 at 21:36cutieepiee: cute!!! i love how anthony has his hand on idina...

1580 views12/08/07 at 21:22cutieepiee: purtty braids. i never noticed it before

1108 views12/08/07 at 21:20cutieepiee: what do you mean where idina?

2221 views12/08/07 at 21:19cutieepiee: so cute!!! i love how anthony is toughing idina...

1968 views12/08/07 at 21:16cutieepiee: freakin adorable!! anthony looks scared that pp...

1801 views12/08/07 at 21:14cutieepiee: gorgeous. all of them!!

1077 views12/08/07 at 11:38anniemuir: I just read the fan "story" that goes al...

1200 views12/08/07 at 09:37candicrewbuddy13: can she honestly get any better at what she does? ...

Final release version1449 views12/07/07 at 23:04cutieepiee: kay, question... how do you and where do you pre-o...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 bwaybaresidinayaz1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_bwaybaresidinayaz1%5B1%5D.jpg)
2190 views12/07/07 at 20:44Wickeddisneygirl: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!IDIAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!LOOKIN HOT HOT ...

1447 views12/07/07 at 17:39broadway17: ^^ nice one!

1581 views12/07/07 at 17:32broadway17: ^^toally! and idina looks ummm diffrent then now...
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 09[1]~0.jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_09%5B1%5D~0.jpg)
1712 views12/07/07 at 17:30broadway17: lol that's so cute!

2174 views12/07/07 at 15:35wickedlover4life: aaaaaaah i love in this part when she goes. "...

1621 views12/07/07 at 03:52mini-elphaba-2k7: me want the magazine but me in scotland n i dou...

1619 views12/06/07 at 20:13DefyingGravity36: Yes it is from the Wild Party and Idina is ontop o...

1619 views12/06/07 at 18:19RENThead4life: wheres idina?!?! i cant see her!! and is this from...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 KristinNorbertLastNight[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_KristinNorbertLastNight%5B1%5D.jpg)
3728 views12/06/07 at 11:04elphaba_wicked12: awuh... its so sad... i love Cheno & De...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal8[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal8%5B1%5D.jpg)
4601 views12/06/07 at 10:48elphaba_wicked12: hehe... soooo gangsterrr!! <3 i love both of th...

1619 views12/05/07 at 22:01BelleGrl101: This show rocks, esp. Life of the Party and Raise ...

1621 views12/05/07 at 21:19cjb_CO: What a great picture!
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