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8375 views11/29/07 at 00:56havemycake: I do wonder if she changed her name legally to Dig...

820 views11/28/07 at 23:54idinastolemyheart: GAH! I love Brave. It's such an empowering son...

649 views11/28/07 at 23:53idinastolemyheart: I love this CD. But it's soooooo weird to list...

392 views11/28/07 at 23:51idinastolemyheart: Idina's a really great actress, but I think, n...

1914 views11/28/07 at 23:45idinastolemyheart: I almost whacked my brother during this scene. He ...

2174 views11/28/07 at 23:43idinastolemyheart: I thought the ending was cute. Very Disney. I felt...

1447 views11/28/07 at 23:10idinastolemyheart: ^It's The Wild Party. And it is sooooooo AWESO...

551 views11/28/07 at 23:03idinastolemyheart: Not really, Spamalam_Star, only about 5'3"...

2110 views11/28/07 at 22:59idinastolemyheart: I heard she used to smoke a long time ago. But I h...

1990 views11/28/07 at 22:40idinastolemyheart: Queenie: I want him.
Kate: Keep dreamin', gi...

2174 views11/28/07 at 21:31cutieepiee: what?1 am i the only one who hates the ending? i t...

1914 views11/28/07 at 21:28cutieepiee: oppsies. sry. okay, so i watched it and was oh soo...

4580 views11/27/07 at 17:59Bridget888222888: I love the way anthony is sitting in this picture....

5691 views11/27/07 at 17:45Bridget888222888: I LOVE THIS PICTURE. i love that Mark is in a tria...

8375 views11/27/07 at 07:35Defying_the_Odds: Phantom0wicked, I totally wondered the same thing,...

6212 views11/26/07 at 20:40Bridget888222888: I love The Maureen and mark holding Hands sooooooo...

119 views11/26/07 at 08:3089fone: LOOK OUT IDINA!! she's trying to sneak up on...
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 Idina-Lettermanperformance_16[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-Lettermanperformance_16%5B1%5D.jpg)
126 views11/26/07 at 07:5889fone: first glance.. when its small, she looks like shes...

1839 views11/26/07 at 07:3589fone: i just had a thought from the book. where nessa sa...

1839 views11/26/07 at 07:3589fone: i just had a thought from the book. where nessa sa...

1274 views11/26/07 at 07:1089fone: i saw that to, i was like, its rent!

2713 views11/25/07 at 22:57mickcraze11: dont you want your girl hot?

266 views11/25/07 at 21:59mickcraze11: craig is like, who booked this chick?

303 views11/25/07 at 21:24mickcraze11: subtle beauty luv it

1914 views11/25/07 at 20:24future elphie: It's funny how she would get pissed at Amy ada...

2174 views11/25/07 at 20:21future elphie: I just saw it OMG Idina is AWESOME!!!!!!Whenever s...

1098 views11/25/07 at 17:44Fan2005: just saw this today, so freaking cute! idina was w...

1447 views11/25/07 at 17:14phantom0wicked: what where what is this musical

822 views11/25/07 at 16:36mickcraze11: i love the outfit so much!

1914 views11/25/07 at 15:27xxneverletmego92: ^^can we try NOT to spoil the movie for those who ...
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 Idina-BroadwayBares_17[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-BroadwayBares_17%5B1%5D.jpg)
179 views11/25/07 at 15:05mickcraze11: wow. i saw this vid on youtube. strange and dist...

237 views11/25/07 at 15:03mickcraze11: whew! its ok idina there still there!

2174 views11/25/07 at 11:54laureljaclyn: I just saw it! Idina was AMAZING!!!!!

2174 views11/25/07 at 11:26bennerbuster: ^ you're so right. Same here. But this is righ...

1823 views11/25/07 at 10:45vanessahudgens: haha!! wilson and jesse look so cute there^^ and s...

1914 views11/25/07 at 07:53princesspur2: i saw the movie the day it came out! She only look...

1049 views11/25/07 at 00:51a_leerox: she is soooooo natural- i luv it! breathtaking

1876 views11/24/07 at 11:02a_leerox: she's definaltely the hot one in this pic! liv...

7660 views11/24/07 at 10:55elphaba93: i wish i could have a wedding like this. problem b...

6082 views11/23/07 at 21:30pookie10: yeah, i don't see why she's so embarrassed...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 03[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_03%5B1%5D.jpg)
5354 views11/23/07 at 21:28pookie10: the thing is, she's not really the choir type ...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 02[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_02%5B1%5D.jpg)
3518 views11/23/07 at 21:24pookie10: haha i definitely disagree with all of the 80s hat...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 01[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_01%5B1%5D.jpg)
3970 views11/23/07 at 21:21pookie10: whoa, baby! i don't think i've ever seen a...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 idinabraids1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinabraids1%5B1%5D.jpg)
6827 views11/23/07 at 21:19pookie10: wow. she looks just the same. i wish i could'v...

415 views11/23/07 at 21:12pookie10: she is absolutely adorable

592 views11/23/07 at 20:00cutieepiee: wow. is this a play rite? i never saw it :*( anywy...

134 views11/23/07 at 19:58ilovekrislemche: haha i loved how shes just sitting there.

661 views11/23/07 at 19:58cutieepiee: okay. can someone tell me the differences between ...

392 views11/23/07 at 19:57cutieepiee: abosolute best thing ever!

403 views11/23/07 at 19:55cutieepiee: what song does she sing? and lol. i just saw ur na...

413 views11/23/07 at 19:50cutieepiee: holy cow. whos that on the front? julia or idina? ...

863 views11/23/07 at 19:47cutieepiee: did it actually come out? because i haven't fo...

1476 views11/23/07 at 17:26stoney_end32: omg i wanna hug! how adorable though! she really p...
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