Last comments |

516 views08/17/10 at 13:41Faith01: Haha, that Elphaba cup is awesome!!! I want one t...

592 views08/17/10 at 13:38Faith01: Awww, that's so cute!

1767 views08/17/10 at 13:33gorgeous89: Kristin is so adorable here.

542 views08/16/10 at 23:30grnpotato: I think the stage lights make the green looks wash...

462 views08/16/10 at 04:44jperez95: she looks SO PRETTY! <3

542 views08/16/10 at 00:13MALEJANDRA_89: Did they use a different brand of makeup over seas...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 KristinNorbertLastNight_Party5[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_KristinNorbertLastNight_Party5%5B1%5D.jpg)
3094 views08/15/10 at 10:25ntshafnd.: everyone, if u don't already know, THERE'S...

1080 views08/14/10 at 21:42Phases Of Obsession: What I find more awkward than the whole mic thing ...

545 views08/13/10 at 14:25Saraah: Can't stop smiling. Very cute picture

462 views08/12/10 at 20:49idinaismyhero2: ^she didn't sign my program...i was sad...but ...

811 views08/12/10 at 19:35-Erin-: This was taken in LA. She must have flown back for...

545 views08/12/10 at 17:14Michele: Cute!! How do these things find their way into the...

811 views08/12/10 at 02:21Elphelise: wasnt she in london here/.

545 views08/11/10 at 15:58furry_bean915: ROFLLL...wonder what Taye's allergic too... ho...

545 views08/11/10 at 10:03Ka: this made me smile so big. what cuteness!

545 views08/11/10 at 09:03broadwaymike92: Idina and Taye are basically doing a segment with ...

545 views08/11/10 at 03:54ElPhIeIsGrEeN: Haha! Me too mwheele2 At first before I read...

545 views08/10/10 at 23:48mwheele2: i don't know why, but this made me burst out i...

545 views08/10/10 at 23:34overthemoowithme: Awe, Taye's sneezing and Idina looks a little ...

462 views08/10/10 at 23:13summer_nicole: i did fan art for her and she took it she singed m...

253 views08/10/10 at 22:22idinaismyhero2: omg I see me!!! so see the girl in the black sweat...

462 views08/10/10 at 22:19idinaismyhero2: I was there!!!!!! I wrote her a letter and she too...

545 views08/10/10 at 22:18idinaismyhero2: When is this going to be on? I might have to trave...

631 views08/08/10 at 23:26overthemoowithme: Oh my god, Percy Weasley?! Haha, I'm kind of H...

175 views08/08/10 at 11:16Saraah: I love Idina's dress!!

517 views08/07/10 at 17:24broadwaymike92: ON this day at the Red Carpet, Idina annouced she ...

202 views08/07/10 at 12:59xxleilaxx: It's so obvious just from her face what she...

521 views08/06/10 at 17:56kategreysfan: lol @ Airborne on the shelf

1464 views08/06/10 at 17:53kategreysfan: if this is actually bikram yoga, how the hell is s...

302 views08/06/10 at 06:54wickediswicked5: I WAS THERE!!!! This song is funny!

2347 views08/05/10 at 13:53idina_lvr: I think its time we got a newer picture of him. Th...

516 views08/04/10 at 22:38idina_lvr: Oh my gosh! I want that globe!! And the pic of Idi...

425 views08/04/10 at 15:09ElPhIeIsGrEeN: ^ Haha! That actually made me lol :L Haha!!

474 views08/03/10 at 21:33-Erin-: The producers gave it to her. They also gave Krist...

474 views08/03/10 at 05:33maya: Dang! Did she really even had a Wicked phone??? Th...

2093 views08/02/10 at 13:01Solarista: ^^^ Really though who wouldn't want her?

1698 views08/02/10 at 12:37Solarista: OMG they are so friggin cute!

474 views08/02/10 at 11:18takemeorleaveme714: lol i know isnt it awesome! im guessing she doesnt...

474 views08/01/10 at 22:08emmkay: i love her phone! haha
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 img31[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_img31%5B1%5D.jpg)
1051 views07/31/10 at 15:20overthemoowithme: OH MY GOSH to the person who suggested she play B...

212 views07/31/10 at 10:49gorgeous89: So adorable!

400 views07/29/10 at 21:40Ka: looks like it. she is so hott pregnant... that sou...

186 views07/29/10 at 08:22gorgeous89: love this one.

9973 views07/28/10 at 15:18Ellasphere: Eeek! I made the common rating mistake. Sorry, it ...

8263 views07/27/10 at 10:20famosyyo: Her wedding dress looks like the red one that &quo...

6082 views07/26/10 at 03:14Wickedly_Elphie: hahahahahaha thats all that I have to say. Loving ...
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