Last comments |

206 views11/08/07 at 16:41Defyxx: she looks like shes saying Got That!? YOu better!

206 views11/08/07 at 15:52idina_1fan: awww,she looks so adorable in this one!

247 views11/08/07 at 15:51idina_1fan: this one's beautiful.

161 views11/08/07 at 15:23aynorchick2010: "Oh no She didn't" LOL it looks like...

142 views11/08/07 at 15:22aynorchick2010: it looks like she's licking it!! I love...

192 views11/08/07 at 15:21aynorchick2010: I loveeeeee her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

506 views11/08/07 at 14:23wickedlover4life: oh my god this song is so good its so beautyful an...

268 views11/08/07 at 13:57stoney_end32: awwww she is the cutest thing on the face of the p...

206 views11/08/07 at 13:56stoney_end32: ok her face! im just so in love with this woman!

202 views11/08/07 at 13:55stoney_end32: the first thing that i thought was awwwww! haha!

1150 views11/08/07 at 11:26elpahaba-for-life: ahh i really want to watch this film now!!! for th...

207 views11/08/07 at 09:39b33: She's even gorgeous when she looks like she...

202 views11/08/07 at 09:34b33: haha yeah just in case she forgets who she is, all...

246 views11/08/07 at 08:54kaylaisWICKEDDD: "ohmygod. shoes." lmao she has the face ...

247 views11/08/07 at 08:53kaylaisWICKEDDD: she has pretty soft looking lips.. and beautiful e...

202 views11/08/07 at 08:51kaylaisWICKEDDD: lol at first i thought she was wearing "Idina...

165 views11/08/07 at 08:49kaylaisWICKEDDD: so much emotion here. and i LOVE the song.

185 views11/08/07 at 08:38helen: Ha! I love her face.

406 views11/08/07 at 08:27sarahxo: hi idinas ring!

352 views11/08/07 at 08:26sarahxo: aww dont cry idina LOL

247 views11/08/07 at 08:25sarahxo: hello, this one's freaking AMAZING!!!

1476 views11/07/07 at 22:00sal: Hahaha, she's smothering him with that huge sw...

2174 views11/07/07 at 20:54alynn234: that kid is just too darn lucky! ugh, but...

1914 views11/07/07 at 20:52alynn234: OOOH! IDINAS IN A DISNEY MOVIE! I CAN'T WAIT T...

575 views11/07/07 at 14:58Wickedfan1: Idina looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!

4278 views11/07/07 at 14:50erizzle277: BEST CAST IN THE WHOLE WORLD....they all look so h...

2728 views11/07/07 at 14:48erizzle277: holy-!(#$*@ sooooooo beautiful....Taye is soooo lu...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 IdinaTravelLiesure[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_IdinaTravelLiesure%5B1%5D.jpg)
2920 views11/07/07 at 01:13greengirl92: i absolutely hate wet clothes on me (minus bathing...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 wicked-article-continental1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_wicked-article-continental1%5B1%5D.jpg)
3079 views11/07/07 at 01:07greengirl92: HOW THE HELL DO U NOTICE THAT STUFF 
but ...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 Idina-Continentalpicture[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-Continentalpicture%5B1%5D.jpg)
2529 views11/07/07 at 01:04greengirl92: shes sooo cute!!

4429 views11/07/07 at 01:02greengirl92: i wouldnt care about the prices...& i hate sho...

2005 views11/07/07 at 00:53greengirl92: i totally agree with whercule78

3712 views11/07/07 at 00:50greengirl92: cute story but her ass is kinda way out there...

3873 views11/07/07 at 00:43greengirl92: wow...i wish i had a stomach like that

820 views11/06/07 at 22:27bigdreams09: Perfection achieved!!!!!!!!

1476 views11/06/07 at 21:45Livi: that is so adorable. He's such a lucky kid. 8...

820 views11/06/07 at 21:43star girl: one word. amazing...just amazing

413 views11/06/07 at 21:37missaudreynicole: LIFE OF THE PARTY. best song on the cd. ")

480 views11/06/07 at 21:33missaudreynicole: DAMSEL IN DISTRESS I LOVE THAT SONG!

820 views11/06/07 at 21:21missaudreynicole: freaking stunning! so, im deffinitly first in line...

820 views11/06/07 at 21:17kateduncan16: I am listening to it right now too, she is astound...

1295 views11/06/07 at 20:19idinafan5301971: i love this top! the color rocks! blues my fave co...

1476 views11/06/07 at 19:45idinaissocool91: AWWWWWWWWW! very cute picture! i wish i could have...

577 views11/06/07 at 19:07cutieepiee: MINUET IS ABOSOLUTELY THE BEST

590 views11/06/07 at 19:06cutieepiee: lol. i found idina from wicked. because when rent ...

820 views11/06/07 at 19:04cutieepiee: wonderful wonderful!!!! aww!!! im listening to her...

1476 views11/06/07 at 18:56erizzle277: cute...but very jealous

1914 views11/06/07 at 17:13kelseyrusk: I can't wait to go and see this wednesday!!!!!...

820 views11/06/07 at 16:46paintingbroadway: how is it that someone so utterly and deeply talen...
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