Last comments |

1752 views10/24/07 at 23:58Hailo7788: It would be so funny if the guy next to Idina was ...

The Post2921 views10/24/07 at 23:40Hailo7788: Hahaha this is so random, but I love it! That colo...

TV Guide 2005 1872 views10/24/07 at 23:38Hailo7788: I always smile when I see either of them smile. Th...

US Weekly - December 11, 20063204 views10/24/07 at 23:35Hailo7788: I think it's so cute that Taye picks out her c...

2254 views10/24/07 at 23:27Hailo7788: Look at her eyes! That was the first thing I notic...

3345 views10/24/07 at 23:25Hailo7788: My God, woman. Seriously? I'll trade you. You ...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 IdinaTravelLiesure[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_IdinaTravelLiesure%5B1%5D.jpg)
2920 views10/24/07 at 23:20Hailo7788: Haha I hope she didn't have to pee after this....

585 views10/24/07 at 23:15Hailo7788: cute. I love these ladies.

443 views10/24/07 at 23:13Hailo7788: Gosh I love this picture too! I really really like...

302 views10/24/07 at 23:09Hailo7788: I love the Wicked Witch stained glass piece in the...

431 views10/24/07 at 23:07Hailo7788: Hahahahahahaha. Click on the picture and look at C...

533 views10/24/07 at 23:06Hailo7788: I love how Idina's in this huge floor length c...

269 views10/24/07 at 23:03Hailo7788: ...And just like most people, she became popular f...

279 views10/24/07 at 23:02Hailo7788: Haha her tongue looks curled a's c...

225 views10/24/07 at 23:01Hailo7788: Actually it looks like she saying the last part of...

271 views10/24/07 at 22:59Hailo7788: Hahaha...^^^hilarious! Love the face, Dee.

273 views10/24/07 at 22:57Hailo7788: She is the most beautiful green person that I'...

395 views10/24/07 at 22:56Hailo7788: I love Idina's little side ponytail. She's...

552 views10/24/07 at 22:46Hailo7788: I love how Cheno is looking directly into the came...

331 views10/24/07 at 22:42Hailo7788: Haha Dee looks a beautiful way, of c...

292 views10/24/07 at 22:40Hailo7788: I think this is one of my new favorite pictures of...

347 views10/24/07 at 22:38Hailo7788: Haha...if that's flab...well...nevermind I don...

450 views10/24/07 at 22:32Hailo7788: The happiest day of Taye's I love ...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 01[1]~0.jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_01%5B1%5D~0.jpg)
1154 views10/24/07 at 13:07clarissaheartsyewh: HER LAUGH IS HILARIOUS! She reminds me of myself.....

339 views10/24/07 at 09:18Emily Kaydon: don't matter squat! she is absolutley beautifu...

450 views10/24/07 at 05:26dianaz: look at kristin's face! she is so excited! A...

1315 views10/24/07 at 05:23dianaz: broadwaybroad...are you from australia?

1315 views10/23/07 at 17:52star girl: ^---hah totally. she's like "yay i'm ...

2316 views10/23/07 at 17:22alynn234: I LOVE THIS ONE! so intense!

1795 views10/23/07 at 12:33Cassixxo: "You wanna tussle!?"

1370 views10/23/07 at 12:32Cassixxo: meeeow

2994 views10/23/07 at 12:01Cassixxo: She looks as excited as if she just met idina menz...

1587 views10/23/07 at 11:58Cassixxo: OH MY ...LORD i want that dress

1605 views10/23/07 at 11:57Cassixxo: she looks like a little kid =]

1683 views10/23/07 at 11:56Cassixxo: ^ yeah xD "I KNOW SOMTHING YOU DON'T KNOW...

1469 views10/23/07 at 11:52Cassixxo: this made me "awww" out loud i love this...

1450 views10/23/07 at 11:51Cassixxo: My picture! *takes pic*

1482 views10/23/07 at 11:37Cassixxo: ^ haha

1266 views10/23/07 at 11:36Cassixxo: awesome pic! nuff said

1877 views10/23/07 at 11:33Cassixxo: holy llama! =] gah i love this

1587 views10/23/07 at 11:31Cassixxo: i <3 everrryyyyyyything about this pic =D

1339 views10/23/07 at 11:30Cassixxo: psh she knows she's awesome

1291 views10/23/07 at 11:27Cassixxo: Awwwwwwwww i love this one=]]]]]

1734 views10/23/07 at 11:22Cassixxo: I don't wish i was idina.. I wish I could hang...

1279 views10/23/07 at 11:16Cassixxo: I want to see a video of these photo shoots =D

1342 views10/23/07 at 11:15Cassixxo: nellly? haha well i think maybe just the hair....i...

1554 views10/23/07 at 11:08Cassixxo: Holy.... thats so cool!

608 views10/23/07 at 09:57stoney_end32: im in love with this picture!

923 views10/23/07 at 09:39Emi89: she looks like she was looking down and someone ca...

584 views10/23/07 at 09:35understudy47: um.......what's with the person in the dress l...

551 views10/23/07 at 09:32understudy47: I love when Idina Pick her up!!!! it's so funn...

552 views10/23/07 at 09:29understudy47: Yeha in the movie.......she is actually laughing, ...

331 views10/23/07 at 09:28understudy47: No That's when she says BOO!!! at the end of W...

492 views10/23/07 at 09:27stoney_end32: aww! Idina looks sooo stunning its amazing! Tracy ...

507 views10/23/07 at 09:26understudy47: DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S THE OZDUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

407 views10/23/07 at 09:25understudy47: AW..........She's SOOOOOO LITTLE!!!!!!!!!!
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