Last comments |

278 views10/17/07 at 14:32Summersoul: wickeeeed!!!!!!

279 views10/17/07 at 14:31Summersoul: wow... that picture rocks!!!!

584 views10/17/07 at 14:22Summersoul: love it!! she looks sooo concentrated... Lov...

1098 views10/17/07 at 14:19sugardaddywill: i'm going to the premiere of this film on satu...

413 views10/17/07 at 09:33elmi: It looks like Norbert has no arms.

476 views10/17/07 at 09:11Wicked_Elphaba: XD i thought the same, lmao!

555 views10/17/07 at 08:32understudy47: I really like this pick and I'm not sure why.....

552 views10/17/07 at 08:30understudy47: AAAAAAAWWWWWW I heart them
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 01[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_01%5B1%5D.jpg)
3970 views10/17/07 at 05:45dianaz: It was definately the 80s and in NY. Way to rock ...

404 views10/17/07 at 00:18LilMissElphie: "For my darling Idina- what a pair we'll ...

303 views10/16/07 at 23:29Emi89: she looks like she's up to something

278 views10/16/07 at 22:50PenzancePony104: Idina: I think I did it! I held the note! I did...

552 views10/16/07 at 22:46PenzancePony104: Kristin's like, "No, seriously, I think t...

331 views10/16/07 at 22:44PenzancePony104: I think someone cracked a joke here and they'r...

443 views10/16/07 at 22:22idinafan3: This pic totally caputures the moment!

390 views10/16/07 at 22:21idinafan3: Lucky People!

507 views10/16/07 at 22:20PenzancePony104: *to the tune of "Hustle."* Do the monkey...

552 views10/16/07 at 22:19idinafan3: ^ yeah, Kristin's like "Whoa"

343 views10/16/07 at 22:18PenzancePony104: I love this. And I love seeing actors really get ...

303 views10/16/07 at 22:17idinafan3: am I the only one who lloves this pic?

333 views10/16/07 at 22:16idinafan3: Loathing YOU......... my whole life long! LOL. Gr...

585 views10/16/07 at 22:15idinafan3: "It's not fair, I wanna be green too Idin...

413 views10/16/07 at 22:13idinafan3: The Elphie Dance

343 views10/16/07 at 22:13idinafan3: Nope, I think it's awesome!

584 views10/16/07 at 22:12idinafan3: COOL PICTURE!

584 views10/16/07 at 22:11idinafan3: she's so talented, cool to see her at work!

254 views10/16/07 at 21:46elphaba93: haha it looks like she's like "ummmmm.......

344 views10/16/07 at 21:43elphaba93: awww! ^^ thats cute!

300 views10/16/07 at 21:14future elphie: I never realized the amount of people in the ensem...

450 views10/16/07 at 21:09future elphie: That lady in the back looks like she just won a be...

443 views10/16/07 at 21:08future elphie: "Idina Menzel, Wicked!" Actually the way...

303 views10/16/07 at 21:04future elphie: This is bothering me. Is that Kristy Cates behind ...

552 views10/16/07 at 21:01future elphie: BOO! Look at Kristin's face.

369 views10/16/07 at 21:00future elphie: "Truly, deeply loathing you!"

476 views10/16/07 at 20:58future elphie: I think this picture looks really cool.

427 views10/16/07 at 20:56future elphie: That's not Kristy Cates next to the black man ...

507 views10/16/07 at 20:54future elphie: I want to know what Norbert is doing. What scene i...

344 views10/16/07 at 20:52future elphie: Look at like the million pictures of her and taye ...

584 views10/16/07 at 20:22togo_cardibroke714: I think she doesn't usually wear glasses, but ...

343 views10/16/07 at 20:15togo_cardibroke714: Am I the only one who thinks this picture is reall...

476 views10/16/07 at 20:09kaylaisWICKEDDD: HHAHAHAHAHAH i just thought the arm thats behind i...

584 views10/16/07 at 19:29elphieandglinda4ever: omg does she actually wear glasses or is that just...

584 views10/16/07 at 19:18takeme4whatiam: "um i think taye ate my homework"
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