Last comments |

789 views10/16/07 at 19:12idinafan3: ADORABLE!

140 views10/16/07 at 19:08Fan2005: thats cool how her elphaba promo shot is right beh...

420 views10/16/07 at 19:03Fan2005: i dont know why but i really love this

669 views10/16/07 at 19:00Fan2005: that is such an elphaba face! love it

351 views10/16/07 at 17:39madloveforidina: the chick in the background lol. That would be me ...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 babyidina1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_babyidina1%5B1%5D.jpg)
5735 views10/16/07 at 16:59BelleGrl101: I wish I were her!!!! She's so cute!!!! What w...

404 views10/16/07 at 16:44LBecks: I think it says "darling", not daughter....

507 views10/16/07 at 16:14JoliemouseKate: it looks like she's air guitaring.

162 views10/16/07 at 16:09adorkabubble: at the bottom you can see her hair in the picture ...

404 views10/16/07 at 16:06Steffie: i saw a piece of this video on the internet. She s...

584 views10/16/07 at 15:50a_leerox: awwwww...she is so cute!

1295 views10/16/07 at 15:48raiya: its just the shine of the dress not being there, i...

374 views10/16/07 at 15:44raiya: soo THATS how they keep her from falling! i KNEW I...

584 views10/16/07 at 15:31CINDERBABE: seriosuly that is a whole heck of a lot of papers ...

789 views10/16/07 at 15:11The Guardian: Got to love the witchy smile...

404 views10/16/07 at 14:54Wicked0102: aw. i love that picture. it makes me sad though. a...

1592 views10/16/07 at 12:59Erin.: omg. thats adorable. i love helens double chin. :...

1295 views10/16/07 at 07:16havemycake: I see no bump. I think it is the dress.

2994 views10/16/07 at 00:07Emi89: she's too adorable for words

1295 views10/15/07 at 23:34cutieepiee: awww... her hair looks so cute up like that to the...

1315 views10/15/07 at 23:34cutieepiee: lol. shinny. and tayes just there

153 views10/15/07 at 21:59alynn234: ALL BOW DOWN TO IDINA! ha ha! cool!

118 views10/15/07 at 21:56alynn234: you go girl!!!

1113 views10/15/07 at 21:44colour_blind: haha this picture makes me laugh. everytime i see ...

1315 views10/15/07 at 16:49HorseCrazyGrl167: This picture makes me laugh. Taye! xDD And Idina&#...

493 views10/15/07 at 15:44Emi89: odd angle much lol, where was the photographer? :...

1040 views10/15/07 at 15:42Emi89: i thought Taye was spose to be the stylish one ......

815 views10/15/07 at 12:14clarissaheartsyewh: WOOOOOOOO! Im left handed! Im gonna see Wicked thi...

1113 views10/15/07 at 11:54clarissaheartsyewh: oooo. I wonder what Taye is carrying and idina loo...

1019 views10/14/07 at 21:50elphieandglinda4ever: I hate my hair its unnaturally wavy it used to be ...

929 views10/14/07 at 19:00Cassixxo: I wannit on dvddddddddddddddddddddd

1249 views10/14/07 at 18:57phantom0wicked: kristen forhead looks really big in this pic and s...

1117 views10/14/07 at 18:52phantom0wicked: idina just cant keep her clothes on

715 views10/14/07 at 18:04phantom0wicked: i like the new hair style buns work good for her

2382 views10/14/07 at 18:02phantom0wicked: i love the dress it fits her perfect

710 views10/14/07 at 17:58phantom0wicked: im not to fond of the outfit but i still love you ...

7942 views10/14/07 at 14:58alynn234: AWWWW! i love this one!

1184 views10/14/07 at 14:50phantom0wicked: there so cute hopefully soon they will have a lit...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 P1010010[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_P1010010%5B1%5D.jpg)
826 views10/14/07 at 14:27alynn234: LUCKY! I would totally love to meet her! *jealous*

2876 views10/14/07 at 14:23alynn234: I loove this picture! She rocks!!! she's prett...

6082 views10/14/07 at 14:22alynn234: Great hair! lol!
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 idinabraids1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinabraids1%5B1%5D.jpg)
6827 views10/14/07 at 14:20alynn234: I love this picture! too great for words!
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 babyidina1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_babyidina1%5B1%5D.jpg)
5735 views10/14/07 at 14:19alynn234: who knew she would originate "Elphaba" i...

5468 views10/14/07 at 13:52phantom0wicked: huh she coming back to wicked in london darn i wis...

694 views10/14/07 at 12:57Riana1177: zoeidinamendzelsdaghter, just wondering, why are y...

1184 views10/14/07 at 12:54Riana1177: Wow. Idina's hair in amazing! Not to mention t...
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