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1184 views10/07/07 at 15:44Cassixxo: Idina looks demonic grr! =] I want her clothes!!

1098 views10/07/07 at 15:21star girl: haha when i was seeing harry p. 5 this summer the ...

3077 views10/07/07 at 09:33broadwaymike92: I think this is Feed the Lions. Idina didn't w...

1716 views10/07/07 at 09:30broadwaymike92: This was the Finale of Act 2 and the whole show.

660 views10/07/07 at 08:07fr0glover: I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!! w/ idinastolemyheart!!!!!

984 views10/07/07 at 08:06fr0glover: this is one of my favorite song from wicked and wh...

517 views10/06/07 at 19:54Wicked Kake 101: she might be a deer in the head lights but she'...

1499 views10/06/07 at 19:51Wicked Kake 101: she totally looks like a model using a prop right ...

1025 views10/06/07 at 19:49Wicked Kake 101: Idina does do that deer in the head lights thing a...

715 views10/06/07 at 19:45Wicked Kake 101: wow, not only are her voice, face, and entire tors...

549 views10/06/07 at 19:22Wicked Kake 101: she does, it's like "look at these guys y...

2562 views10/06/07 at 19:20Wicked Kake 101: "Bow chica wow wow!" thats like my motto...

397 views10/06/07 at 19:06Wicked Kake 101: i love how this looks like a tourist photo, like t...

665 views10/06/07 at 19:03Wicked Kake 101: see they're always touching each other

754 views10/06/07 at 19:00Wicked Kake 101: she don't even need the green to get the Elphi...

381 views10/06/07 at 17:57Wicked Kake 101: this album is too beautiful, my favorites list has...

295 views10/06/07 at 17:30Wicked Kake 101: i like her eyes, green or brown. they're very ...

307 views10/06/07 at 17:27Wicked Kake 101: big smile, she looks so pretty when she smiles

389 views10/06/07 at 17:23Wicked Kake 101: she looks so happy, i wonder if taye said a funny

1724 views10/06/07 at 03:19havemycake: This was in 2000? They broke up then. Probably why...

1914 views10/06/07 at 01:04xelphabaxfaex: that's the "will i lose my dignity" ...

1059 views10/06/07 at 00:55xelphabaxfaex: she looks worn out. poor dee.

357 views10/06/07 at 00:51xelphabaxfaex: i'm diggin these bright shirts she's weari...

4587 views10/06/07 at 00:34xelphabaxfaex: that skirt looks really comfortable. :]

1067 views10/06/07 at 00:06musicaldramaqueen: Noooo she doesn't look jewish!!! This confusif...

694 views10/06/07 at 00:02musicaldramaqueen: Okay so I think her hair just hit an pocket of hum...

1184 views10/05/07 at 23:57musicaldramaqueen: She looks absolutely ADORABLE in this dress. I lov...

3873 views10/05/07 at 23:49xelphabaxfaex: deeeng look at those smokin abs!

1488 views10/05/07 at 23:13xelphabaxfaex: i'll cover you reprise always makes me cry! :[...

4033 views10/05/07 at 23:00xelphabaxfaex: she's like, "bring it bitchessss"

243 views10/05/07 at 22:18xelphabaxfaex: deeeng. look at his arm. dee and taye must work ou...

247 views10/05/07 at 22:15xelphabaxfaex: they're both staring so intensely...

254 views10/05/07 at 22:12xelphabaxfaex: it looks like a lamp shade....taye should have don...

184 views10/05/07 at 22:10xelphabaxfaex: forget the inner me...observe the outerrrrr

288 views10/05/07 at 22:09xelphabaxfaex: it's so hard maintaining perfection...but well...

195 views10/05/07 at 22:08xelphabaxfaex: of lovers no tyranny could separate!
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 idinabraids1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinabraids1%5B1%5D.jpg)
6827 views10/05/07 at 20:39elphaba_maureen: My God she's adorable!! If i had siblings, I...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 01[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_01%5B1%5D.jpg)
3970 views10/05/07 at 20:36elphaba_maureen: I'm scared she's going to be choked by her...

1604 views10/05/07 at 20:32elphaba_maureen: It's weird seeing Wilson with a beard....but y...

1627 views10/05/07 at 17:06idinastolemyheart: Actually, I heard somewhere hat Dee was only about...

728 views10/05/07 at 15:59xelphabaxfaex: awww look at that adorable face! she's like a ...

953 views10/05/07 at 09:42star girl: love the smile!!!!!beautiful dee b-e-a-u-tiful!!!h...

5468 views10/05/07 at 01:40Elphaba_in_disguise: They might make it Pro shot like cats using the OB...

3873 views10/04/07 at 21:12fr0glover: wow i love this pic!!!!!!!! she just looks good wh...

900 views10/04/07 at 19:22elphaba93: wow....i just watched that. i have nooooo idea wha...

1220 views10/04/07 at 16:02idina_1fan: she looks so gorgeous, beautiful, stunning, amazin...

732 views10/04/07 at 15:51idina_1fan: she's DOES oook a bit cross-eyed....but you s...
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