Last comments |

433 views09/17/07 at 10:27Chenzel18: cute pic... cute people... really dont like the ou...

570 views09/17/07 at 10:14Chenzel18: the Dalli's leg! ZOMG!... miss them

637 views09/17/07 at 10:13Chenzel18: awww i miss them both sooo much!

514 views09/17/07 at 10:12Chenzel18: i have to say that this is a very artsy photo... i...

395 views09/16/07 at 23:53cutieepiee: awww... her smile looks tired. poor deena

755 views09/16/07 at 23:51cutieepiee: yay. purples mi fav color since 4 ever. her shoes ...

863 views09/16/07 at 23:50cutieepiee: lol. barbie doll. prettee prettee!

679 views09/16/07 at 23:50cutieepiee: wow. she didn't change her name THAT much. and...

740 views09/16/07 at 23:48cutieepiee: thats sooo sad. i almost cried. poor deena :*( at ...

7942 views09/16/07 at 23:34cutieepiee: this is THE cutest pic in the whole wedding histor...

8263 views09/16/07 at 23:32cutieepiee: cute dress deena! but how does she dance in it? lo...

9973 views09/16/07 at 23:29cutieepiee: *squealzzzz!

6767 views09/16/07 at 23:17cutieepiee: i love idina

2110 views09/16/07 at 18:40bohochild: Ok first off Brian D'arcy James (aka Burrs) is...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 prev21[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_prev21%5B1%5D.jpg)
720 views09/16/07 at 11:51idina_1fan: love this pic. it's so great that they get to ...

161 views09/16/07 at 11:18bennerbuster: ^I know Marisa. It's HILARIOUS.

369 views09/16/07 at 04:47louhutchi1: wow pretty!! not too sure about the dress though.....

2288 views09/15/07 at 20:53idinastolemyheart: The "rape" is completely hypothetical in...

2011 views09/15/07 at 20:50idinastolemyheart: Wicked0102; I found my CD at Barnes and Noble. I r...

1158 views09/15/07 at 17:39bennerbuster: wowie. what the heck is she wearing for a top

3317 views09/15/07 at 13:02laurendefysgravity: idinafan that is Idina look at her cheekbones! :lo...

343 views09/14/07 at 16:01ad: it looks like she's drunk and taye has said ju...

1051 views09/13/07 at 22:55beaverboyor:, no comment

8375 views09/13/07 at 20:12idinafan5301971: that is an idea. let's see how many reasons we...

6082 views09/13/07 at 18:29SCdancer: wow. just wow.

195 views09/13/07 at 18:02PinkJewell: this one is so cute! i love her face!

181 views09/13/07 at 17:59PinkJewell: yupp seriously funny funny stuff

208 views09/13/07 at 17:58PinkJewell: i love this interview because she is so smiley and...

8375 views09/12/07 at 23:03laureljaclyn: idinafan5301971, how did you get the address???? O...

2646 views09/12/07 at 20:28idinafan: Ooooh!!! I have this pic autographed
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal7[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal7%5B1%5D.jpg)
4601 views09/12/07 at 16:52Emily Kaydon: OMG I love her!! so sweet

1085 views09/12/07 at 15:33macychick: This is such a good picture of her!

331 views09/12/07 at 15:32macychick: mmm, taye....
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 5161081[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_5161081%5B1%5D.jpg)
1700 views09/12/07 at 15:30highschooler: just because you have a daughter doesn't mean ...

957 views09/12/07 at 14:13Hailo7788: This is a really great pic of Dee. Beautiful!

2200 views09/12/07 at 13:50Hailo7788: I love love love it!!!

962 views09/12/07 at 12:25sb12: b e a utiful!

572 views09/12/07 at 11:13Samantha.:): Action Shot ... <3

2156 views09/12/07 at 07:10ferngully: what a co-incidence . julia sung defying gravity...

3052 views09/11/07 at 23:15Xxlaviedamour: when her & taye have kids, shes going to be th...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 5161031[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_5161031%5B1%5D.jpg)
1794 views09/11/07 at 23:10Xxlaviedamour: she looked amazing that day

4518 views09/11/07 at 22:47Xxlaviedamour: she has such an amazing figure.
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal5[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal5%5B1%5D.jpg)
4092 views09/11/07 at 22:25raiya: the wizard and i, its cuz of what her mouth looks ...

2173 views09/11/07 at 20:19Elphie14: COOL PIC

1051 views09/11/07 at 20:19Elphie14: DAMN! she has fuLLumptuous lips!

1085 views09/11/07 at 20:18Elphie14: that totally reminds me of wicked!!!

370 views09/11/07 at 17:54missaudreynicole: i want it! i was just thinking to myself, i gotta ...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 KristinNorbertLastNight4[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_KristinNorbertLastNight4%5B1%5D.jpg)
2627 views09/11/07 at 17:47Hailo7788: Cheno is so tiny...I love it.
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 KristinNorbertLastNight[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_KristinNorbertLastNight%5B1%5D.jpg)
3728 views09/11/07 at 17:45Hailo7788: That's so sad! I love Kristin...don't cry!...

3873 views09/11/07 at 17:39wendixo: haha it's like a witch with a sixpack aha

4774 views09/11/07 at 17:32wendixo: yup. bikram yoga... wish i had that anywhere near ...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 Steph-IdinaFan5[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Steph-IdinaFan5%5B1%5D.jpg)
1136 views09/11/07 at 17:13wendixo: god. she actually looks like.... perfect =|

2627 views09/11/07 at 17:07Hailo7788: OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH my goodness. lol. This is my...

4429 views09/11/07 at 16:55Hailo7788: I love her dress but what is he wearing? lol. Just...
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