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984 views08/16/07 at 22:36love4rent: OMG!!! yay!!! I can't wait for it to come out!...

984 views08/16/07 at 21:33WIRME_32: WOO HOO!! So excited to see the (...)

984 views08/16/07 at 21:19star girl: yay!!! ooo im sooo excited!!gah!! this may sound s...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 BordersWickedSigning1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_BordersWickedSigning1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1402 views08/16/07 at 19:48bennerbuster: Lefties ROCK!!!!!!! me lefty and proud of it!

728 views08/16/07 at 19:15laureljaclyn: I saw the vid too. I love the part when she goes ...

1348 views08/16/07 at 19:13Fishfreezer: "Look at what those crazy fangils have writte...

1183 views08/16/07 at 19:08laureljaclyn: tidina, you guys are SO cute!!!
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 Steph-IdinaFan[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Steph-IdinaFan%5B1%5D.jpg)
1546 views08/16/07 at 18:52laureljaclyn: How are all these people so lucky that they actual...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 RebeccaFanPhoto3[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_RebeccaFanPhoto3%5B1%5D.jpg)
673 views08/16/07 at 18:50laureljaclyn: It looks hand made. My mom made me a hat that is ...

932 views08/16/07 at 18:02unlegaleeBlondd: omggg i thought i wanted to see this before!!!! xD...

984 views08/16/07 at 14:44WIRME_32: She is in the movie. That would be a pretty good r...

984 views08/16/07 at 13:14Green_girl25: Yay finally a cool poster

984 views08/16/07 at 13:09idinaholic: omg Idina's name is there!!! ahhhhhh! i cant w...

2165 views08/16/07 at 12:09WIRME_32: OMG OMG!!! I am so excited for this movie!!! I can...

984 views08/16/07 at 12:08WIRME_32: OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

984 views08/16/07 at 06:12elphaba101: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im so excited, woot t...

1625 views08/14/07 at 23:15IdinaRocks14: Awww....I wish I could have been at this camp and ...

1559 views08/14/07 at 14:49madloveforidina: who are the guys?? she looks pretty

1059 views08/14/07 at 14:16aynorchick2010: if u look at it in hq i think she is wearing her w...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 MeetingIdina-Ooohhhshot[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_MeetingIdina-Ooohhhshot%5B1%5D.jpg)
1338 views08/14/07 at 10:34aynorchick2010: I want to meet Idina I probably never will......

834 views08/13/07 at 21:31star girl: haha elphaba thropp 91 i have two friends who remi...

1473 views08/13/07 at 20:02Cassixxo: ^lmao!

1254 views08/13/07 at 20:02Cassixxo: woah how many accounts on here have i had xD elphi...

7337 views08/13/07 at 10:57Elphie14: both of them look goreous in this pic!

8171 views08/13/07 at 10:53Elphie14: thats funny! (to x_DefyingGravity_x)
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 114[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_114%5B1%5D.jpg)
173 views08/12/07 at 08:46greenmenzelfan11: lmao. the look on dee's face. priceless.<3

2967 views08/12/07 at 08:38greenmenzelfan11: aw :[ if i were idina, i'd miss taye tooo. i...

1212 views08/12/07 at 08:35greenmenzelfan11: lmao. i love tracies lil bum grab. and anthonys ju...

2658 views08/12/07 at 08:34greenmenzelfan11: dee is wayyyyyyyy better than halle berry when it ...

1558 views08/12/07 at 08:28greenmenzelfan11: aha. you can see adam in the background just like ...

164 views08/12/07 at 00:02idinastolemyheart: Yeah, Anthony was saying something about that, I t...

3223 views08/11/07 at 23:07xElphabaThroppx: meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *raises hand reeeeeaaallll...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 Idina-RENT_14[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-RENT_14%5B1%5D.jpg)
2382 views08/11/07 at 22:53xElphabaThroppx: OMG...the hair ...oh well, g...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 rentrecording1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_rentrecording1%5B1%5D.jpg)
2621 views08/11/07 at 22:44xElphabaThroppx: I live in the south, and my mom is from the north ...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 daphneidina1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_daphneidina1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1883 views08/11/07 at 21:35idinafan5301971: i think they look so young. especially this pic be...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal3[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal3%5B1%5D.jpg)
3071 views08/11/07 at 21:32idinafan5301971: i know. and whoever says "she looks so happy&...

515 views08/11/07 at 21:28idinafan5301971: where did you read that? i don't remember read...

2947 views08/11/07 at 21:26idinafan5301971: i know. this picture is so random it's almost ...

2099 views08/11/07 at 21:21idinafan5301971: i don't care much for Norbie. i don't thin...

1512 views08/11/07 at 19:35idinafan5301971: i love how Idina is is concentrating on the tennis...

2994 views08/10/07 at 22:03lyfeinluv39: oooohh she's so cute!! Totally random, but I...

2947 views08/10/07 at 22:00lyfeinluv39: Natural. I love it! and her smile just lights up m...

4587 views08/10/07 at 21:59lyfeinluv39: "I believe I can fly......." Wheeeeee!! ...

3956 views08/10/07 at 21:58lyfeinluv39: Sing it!! woo hoo!!

3639 views08/10/07 at 21:56lyfeinluv39: Ohhh My GOD! check those 6 out!

1548 views08/10/07 at 21:53lyfeinluv39: I don't like it.
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 Idinaproshot6[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idinaproshot6%5B1%5D.jpg)
1271 views08/10/07 at 21:42lyfeinluv39: I think it's a cool perspective with the whole...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 Idinaproshot4[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idinaproshot4%5B1%5D.jpg)
1884 views08/10/07 at 21:40lyfeinluv39: OMG....look at the intensity of her gaze....unbeli...

1421 views08/10/07 at 16:18pounce: lol it looks like the green is wearing off

2209 views08/10/07 at 16:15pounce: Lol i dunno i think she might be prettiest green ;...
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