Last comments |

456 views06/22/07 at 14:59sbkid27: is it me or does she looked pissed off in a lot of...

1103 views06/22/07 at 14:57sbkid27: i want to make babies with her

6113 views06/22/07 at 13:55elphieandglinda4ever: Am I the only 1 who is noticing that Fiyero is hol...

641 views06/22/07 at 13:17jlgrimland: LOVE LOVE LOVE, this outfit! She's adorable!

730 views06/22/07 at 12:40nerual824: ahhh, this was on my birthday!!!

6642 views06/22/07 at 12:21alexperry: OMG dis is like my fav photo like eva!!!! it's...

Hollywood Records Promo2417 views06/22/07 at 12:18alexperry: that isnt' her is it??? she seroiusly looks li...

1299 views06/22/07 at 12:06alexperry: Bangs!!!EKKKK!!!

641 views06/22/07 at 11:58alexperry: diva pose!!!
Date added=Oct 18, 2005 519482[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_519482%5B1%5D.jpg)
553 views06/22/07 at 11:57alexperry: celia looks kinda funny
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 5976b[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_5976b%5B1%5D.jpg)
6001 views06/22/07 at 09:08Elpheen: omg it's been nearly a MONTH, where IS everyon...
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 Idina-Continentalpicture[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-Continentalpicture%5B1%5D.jpg)
2529 views06/21/07 at 20:59Spamalam_Star: It looks like her pic is cut out and pasted on som...

2288 views06/21/07 at 20:55Spamalam_Star: Is this where she gets raped?

2640 views06/21/07 at 20:54Spamalam_Star: She's not looking at him directly. if you enla...

Hot Zone Magazine 1996 - 'Rent' 3183 views06/21/07 at 20:52Spamalam_Star: Idina looks like she's stimulat...

2445 views06/21/07 at 20:51Spamalam_Star: She's like "I'm so!&q...

2967 views06/21/07 at 20:48Spamalam_Star: You can see her bra line...sorry just thought I wo...

2601 views06/21/07 at 20:46Spamalam_Star: Tonight I kiss my lover for that last hu...

2658 views06/21/07 at 20:45Spamalam_Star: How does she pull that off? If I wore that, I woul...

4198 views06/21/07 at 20:35Spamalam_Star: Scary...if you look at Idina from the side, she lo...

6368 views06/21/07 at 20:32Spamalam_Star: Beautiful....just beautiful. She captures the char...

1932 views06/21/07 at 13:09idinamenzelfan: why do you call her dee? but I love every pic she&...

1817 views06/21/07 at 12:28Wicked0102: defygravity24- do you mean when he says "so ...

1817 views06/21/07 at 00:45defygravity24: I've always wondered wat the heck that poster ...
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 idinajuliamurneyHAIR1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinajuliamurneyHAIR1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1295 views06/21/07 at 00:41defygravity24: I saw her too.. I loved her!! And she was a great ...

1564 views06/21/07 at 00:39defygravity24: Well, we can't all come and go by bubble!!! Id...

3077 views06/21/07 at 00:23defygravity24: She looks Like Maureen.. I don't know why.. Bu...

2601 views06/20/07 at 21:54primemeridian: are we seeing green here? Yeah, fishfreezer, its k...

1716 views06/20/07 at 21:53primemeridian: her cheek bones are always very defined.

3077 views06/20/07 at 21:52primemeridian: It's so cute how she starts to believe in him ...

2605 views06/20/07 at 21:49primemeridian: "I am so – what? Hungry. Nonono, not hungry –...

1887 views06/20/07 at 21:44primemeridian: She hits some amazing notes in 'Kesa'

4198 views06/20/07 at 21:44primemeridian: they are both amazing actors

1779 views06/20/07 at 21:42primemeridian: See what i wanna see is amazing, but the Kesa/Mori...

196 views06/20/07 at 21:35future elphie: I'm not feeling this hat

1752 views06/20/07 at 18:35lwood123: i would def. scream and they would run away

1752 views06/20/07 at 15:47MindShake: Why can people be SO bored when they are sitting n...

3077 views06/20/07 at 14:43elphaba93: i had my friend listen 2 this song and shes like &...

261 views06/20/07 at 14:42erinw: she has the best smile!

473 views06/20/07 at 14:26elphaba93: COME TO CHICAGO!!!! please! she wouldn't come ...

4631 views06/20/07 at 12:49whercule78: well, gosh, that's a mighty fine dress fitting...
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 idinajuliamurneyHAIR1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinajuliamurneyHAIR1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1295 views06/20/07 at 10:04alexperry: i saw julia in wicked this year

4198 views06/20/07 at 09:05Wicked0102: Snl89.. Thank you!! I get it now. I was very confu...

2288 views06/20/07 at 09:04iLoveIdina917: Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Aaron's shirt is off! MAN Idi...

2605 views06/20/07 at 09:02iLoveIdina917: Uhhh... isnt that guy a little too old for her? Oh...

4198 views06/20/07 at 08:59iLoveIdina917: I LOVE AARON LOHR. Word. And this picture is so.. ...

1876 views06/20/07 at 08:57iLoveIdina917: *steals shirt* Awesome pic and Aaron Lohr is HOT.
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