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1374 views06/11/07 at 14:29Oatcake: Awww

4836 views06/11/07 at 14:26Oatcake: I LOVE this pic! they all look so cute!

3862 views06/11/07 at 14:24Oatcake: Aww i like this one! I love them all !

4680 views06/11/07 at 14:20Oatcake: Aww they all look so fab!!

1474 views06/11/07 at 13:21Chenzel18: Hello Helen's leg! lol... I'm not...

1038 views06/11/07 at 13:04Chenzel18: thats a sexy dress! u work it girl!

688 views06/11/07 at 13:01Chenzel18: WOW lisa kudrow! with brown hair! wow!

759 views06/11/07 at 13:00Chenzel18: how great do idina's boobs look!
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 AlbumRecording2[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_AlbumRecording2%5B1%5D.jpg)
2558 views06/11/07 at 02:43sherlock: bohochild, you're right! Britney did wear the ...

1357 views06/10/07 at 21:00future elphie: She doesn't have to get pretty, they are just ...

2254 views06/10/07 at 20:58future elphie: Want the abs. Reeeeaaalllly wants the abs!
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 DRSappearance2[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_DRSappearance2%5B1%5D.jpg)
563 views06/10/07 at 19:21AsLongAsI'mYours: Oh gawd. My two favorite people ever. The world wi...

220 views06/10/07 at 17:01fabala08457332233: i love how mark is in the middle of the hug!

126 views06/10/07 at 16:28fabala08457332233: idina looks like she is about to throw up and trac...

215 views06/10/07 at 14:20fabala08457332233: i dont think i ever watched mark once in this

171 views06/10/07 at 14:17fabala08457332233: every time i sing this song in the car, i always d...

229 views06/10/07 at 14:15fabala08457332233: i always wondered who joanne was jelous of at this...

222 views06/10/07 at 13:52fabala08457332233: i looks like she is getting ready to play the pian...

335 views06/10/07 at 13:44fabala08457332233: anthony looks like he's about to kill idina!

603 views06/10/07 at 13:43fabala08457332233: i love how idina looks at this part in the movie b...

362 views06/10/07 at 13:39fabala08457332233: it would be funny if the guy dropped idina

5468 views06/10/07 at 13:39CorinneJuliette: I hope they make a Wicked movie with Idina! I nev...

4557 views06/10/07 at 13:33CorinneJuliette: I sooo wish she would come back here!

527 views06/10/07 at 13:31fabala08457332233: mark and joanne like each other, i know it!!!! (so...

1523 views06/10/07 at 13:29fabala08457332233: rosebuffy, what do you look up on youtube to get t...

4774 views06/10/07 at 13:29CorinneJuliette: Wow she's so fit! I love the face she's m...

2130 views06/10/07 at 09:42sunflowersareevil: I think idina saves the sugar high for Act 2

1911 views06/10/07 at 09:40sunflowersareevil: "A celebration throughout Oz that's got t...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 idinabraids1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinabraids1%5B1%5D.jpg)
6827 views06/09/07 at 22:43fiza: cutie! her expression is priceless

918 views06/09/07 at 22:25fabala08457332233: ^ha, ha, good one! (it looks like two red ...

782 views06/09/07 at 22:14fabala08457332233: idina: "my eyes were glowing? oh, don't b...

754 views06/09/07 at 22:03fabala08457332233: i bet idina looks at taye like that sometimes (oh,...

639 views06/09/07 at 22:01fabala08457332233: idina needs some coffee........ P.S. i agree with ...

1250 views06/09/07 at 22:00fabala08457332233: why does idina get "chapter 3"? why not ...

932 views06/09/07 at 21:58fabala08457332233: idina, don't go into the light! you're too...

3626 views06/09/07 at 21:10fabala08457332233: well i agree with Ladymemory... WHAT HAPPENED!?!

660 views06/09/07 at 21:00fabala08457332233: idina to taye: "ok, now those guys are really...

1345 views06/09/07 at 20:58fabala08457332233: idina: "taye, WHAT ARE you doing?" taye:...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 03[1]~0.jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_03%5B1%5D~0.jpg)
1865 views06/09/07 at 15:23thruacceptinlimits: aww idina looks like a mom here! aww i cant wait t...

6082 views06/09/07 at 07:28idinafan: whoa whoa whoa ... omg! i think that idina sang at...

463 views06/08/07 at 23:17fabala08457332233: idina is like: "ok, i will pose, but i am too...

404 views06/08/07 at 23:16fabala08457332233: idina looks better with her head at a tilt

388 views06/08/07 at 23:12fabala08457332233: dee is day dreaming of what her and taye could hav...

344 views06/08/07 at 23:08fabala08457332233: taye: "look, i drew a picture of one of the m...
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