Last comments |

1269 views05/16/07 at 18:07elphaba93: love the dress! I want one!

826 views05/16/07 at 17:21Chenzel18: awww too cute for words!

967 views05/16/07 at 17:21Chenzel18: hahaha thats friggin hilarious!... Idina: "Oh...

721 views05/16/07 at 17:20Chenzel18: cheer up taye!

711 views05/16/07 at 17:19Chenzel18: Mid-speech!!!

782 views05/16/07 at 17:19Chenzel18: ok i will be the first to say it... Dee either loo...

716 views05/16/07 at 17:18Chenzel18: i feel watched by them!.... cute pic tho!

8171 views05/16/07 at 16:58Spamalam_Star: elphiex94xcassi! I so agree with you, cometimes I ...

967 views05/16/07 at 16:38lwood123: haha!

782 views05/16/07 at 16:38lwood123: haha

1269 views05/16/07 at 16:37lwood123: cute dress!!!

2643 views05/16/07 at 15:41buffness_babe_x: to calhug123 its on youtube thee ad..tis good =] x

607 views05/16/07 at 15:37MindShake: Taye looks a tad bored.
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal8[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal8%5B1%5D.jpg)
4601 views05/16/07 at 15:30lwood123: omg! we just had out first performance today! it w...
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 5976b[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_5976b%5B1%5D.jpg)
6001 views05/16/07 at 15:25lwood123: i jushad a tornado warning too, but we didnt have ...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal3[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal3%5B1%5D.jpg)
3071 views05/16/07 at 15:21lwood123: the high school just did thie same show were doing...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal7[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal7%5B1%5D.jpg)
4601 views05/16/07 at 15:18lwood123: haha

553 views05/16/07 at 14:40MindShake: I want Miss Menzel's collarbones!! :-...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal8[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal8%5B1%5D.jpg)
4601 views05/16/07 at 12:31Elpheen: no problem, it was a pleasure
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal7[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal7%5B1%5D.jpg)
4601 views05/16/07 at 12:30Elpheen: YAY LURLINE!!! haha

3892 views05/16/07 at 12:30freelelandchapman: this is one of my favorite pictures. Shes stunnin...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal6[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal6%5B1%5D.jpg)
4734 views05/16/07 at 12:25Elpheen: LESS THAN TWO MONTHS TIL I SEE WICKED AGAIN. sorry...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal5[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal5%5B1%5D.jpg)
4092 views05/16/07 at 12:20Elpheen: *nods in agreement* but seriously, Idina, getting ...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal4[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal4%5B1%5D.jpg)
3572 views05/16/07 at 12:17Elpheen: haha and i was worried you were going to be vague ...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal3[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal3%5B1%5D.jpg)
3071 views05/16/07 at 12:02Elpheen: raiya, that's cool!!! i want a cappy! we have ...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal2[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal2%5B1%5D.jpg)
5209 views05/16/07 at 11:55Elpheen: hahaha
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal1%5B1%5D.jpg)
5025 views05/16/07 at 11:52Elpheen: i love med shows.....but im so addicted to Lost, m...
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 5976b[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_5976b%5B1%5D.jpg)
6001 views05/16/07 at 11:48Elpheen: you guys get interesting weather......we just get ...

2876 views05/15/07 at 21:20elphaba93: she looks soooooo good in this pic...but when does...

1760 views05/15/07 at 21:16elphaba93: she can pull off ANY look! lol i wish i could!!! ...

781 views05/15/07 at 19:54sal: Tovah Feldshuh, the woman over 2 from Idina's ...
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 Idina-withTayeKevinHillset[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-withTayeKevinHillset%5B1%5D.jpg)
3488 views05/15/07 at 18:17iloveuidina: AHHHH that girls so fucking luckkyyyyy

4198 views05/14/07 at 20:57star girl: awww i love aaron lohr...he's sooo adorable in...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal5[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal5%5B1%5D.jpg)
4092 views05/14/07 at 20:45theatergal35: O well...she's a big girl, she can make her ow...

577 views05/14/07 at 15:14idina_is_lovex93: "Hello, my name is Idina Menzel , Tony- award...

1067 views05/14/07 at 15:13idina_is_lovex93: omg shes soo cute with the light brown hair!

895 views05/14/07 at 15:08idina_is_lovex93: " its just *sniffle* everyone just expects me...

918 views05/14/07 at 15:05idina_is_lovex93: eleka nahmen nahmen a tum a tum eleka nahmen =]

1523 views05/14/07 at 15:04idina_is_lovex93: "why dont you tell me what hAAppened" lo...

849 views05/14/07 at 15:00idina_is_lovex93: lullaby idina on the..random guys bed..when you wa...

2165 views05/14/07 at 14:56idina_is_lovex93: i cant wait for this- i dont think idina's par...

4518 views05/14/07 at 12:43lou2689: She definitely looks like shes in high school.. bu...

1469 views05/14/07 at 12:40lou2689: AHH! i love friends!! (and idina.)

1450 views05/14/07 at 12:38lou2689: New rule. people are NOT allowed to look that gorg...

1587 views05/14/07 at 12:36lou2689: why can't I BE her?!

668 views05/14/07 at 10:52macychick: She looks very "Maureen" in this one- th...

807 views05/13/07 at 19:09madeline1ooo1: does any1 think she looks like loyd from dumb &...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal2[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal2%5B1%5D.jpg)
5209 views05/13/07 at 18:46Elphiewitch: my bff maria is such a glinda it freaks me out.......

4742 views05/13/07 at 16:16westendmad: No tis just a caption about the random angle the p...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 normal_04[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_normal_04%5B1%5D.jpg)
1621 views05/13/07 at 12:35veronicamae: madeline1ooo1, she is pregnant in the MOVIE. no o...

1958 views05/13/07 at 11:47elphie0020: lol hickups... thats exactly what i can see her do...

1795 views05/13/07 at 11:45elphie0020: it looks like shes just a regular mom-type person ...

1370 views05/13/07 at 11:44elphie0020: growwwwwl. haha i can see dee growling at som...

2994 views05/13/07 at 11:43elphie0020: lol dee thats kind of random to lay on the floor b...

1587 views05/13/07 at 11:42elphie0020: omgodddd dee i <3333 you.
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