Last comments |

749 views11/07/09 at 13:52mflor: ^Los Angeles - 11/20/06 - date and location are us...

660 views11/07/09 at 13:51Elphelise: is she holding a stuffed animal?

749 views11/07/09 at 13:50Elphelise: when was this?

749 views11/07/09 at 13:39xxleilaxx: Aww! She looks so adorable here!

1156 views11/07/09 at 12:43Ka: i miss you idina!

1156 views11/07/09 at 07:26bway mom: Beautiful as always and we have missed you!!!

1001 views11/07/09 at 00:23Elphiex03: idina ..dont look so happy. lol

1156 views11/06/09 at 13:36idinaismyhero2: omg I missed you Idina!!! Where o where have you b...

1156 views11/06/09 at 13:18-Erin-: I thought it looked shorter, too. Probably got a t...

1156 views11/06/09 at 12:39pxt157: Finally! I know her hair is in braids but doesn...

1156 views11/05/09 at 19:53xxleilaxx: ^ Haha I didn't notice that! And yaaay, it'...

1156 views11/05/09 at 15:59Faith01: Yay! A new Idina pic! She looks great. I like how ...

1156 views11/05/09 at 15:57mophead935: Yay! She looks great.. I wish there were more pict...

1156 views11/05/09 at 12:29IdinaFan05: It's so nice to see her out and about! She loo...

1156 views11/05/09 at 12:28gorgeous89: She looks great! I've been dying for new pics!

1156 views11/05/09 at 12:25Mirina: woman that have had their first baby always have a...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 BWAYidina4bdayrent1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_BWAYidina4bdayrent1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1849 views11/05/09 at 11:53ashnaan: Neil Patrick Harris was in the cast...he played Ma...

1156 views11/05/09 at 11:24Defy*gravity: OMG! ITS IDINA! OH HOW I MISSED YOUUUUU!

3956 views11/03/09 at 01:30yooenoh: very maureen

466 views11/03/09 at 00:13yooenoh: FIERCE!

204 views11/02/09 at 15:15Circe12: cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

185 views11/02/09 at 15:15Circe12: lovely but too close

Hollywood Records Promo2416 views11/01/09 at 10:40Fiero+Fae: THIS IS LIKE THE WICKED LOGO!!!
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 Idinaheadshot2[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idinaheadshot2%5B1%5D.jpg)
1190 views10/30/09 at 10:42dramaqueen8: hahaha, i spent a while just thinking she was stic...

1264 views10/26/09 at 23:08xxleilaxx: Agh, I wanna see that video sooo badly. It was tak...

514 views10/26/09 at 19:37Fiero+Fae: aww thanks!!

514 views10/24/09 at 12:31mophead935: Haha.. Fiero+Fae your comment made me actually lau...

739 views10/22/09 at 16:29beccaba<3Wicked: "OH! please tell me no one just saw me slip!!...

757 views10/22/09 at 16:27beccaba<3Wicked: then she thinks once he explains "OH WAIT tha...

764 views10/22/09 at 16:27beccaba<3Wicked: Taye looks like "hee hee that's funny!&qu...

1248 views10/22/09 at 16:23beccaba<3Wicked: ElPhIeIsGrEeN maybe she got it while unpacking, my...

1215 views10/22/09 at 16:21beccaba<3Wicked: OMG idina looks scared to crap! Bad boat thingy ma...

1148 views10/22/09 at 16:19beccaba<3Wicked: aha but MAYBE she's having a temper tantrum be...

1078 views10/22/09 at 16:17beccaba<3Wicked: haha ^^^ wish every man was like that! hell every ...

1859 views10/22/09 at 16:16beccaba<3Wicked: maybe it's the keys to the villa they lived in...

2639 views10/22/09 at 16:13beccaba<3Wicked: wait hang the f**k on a mo, is that guy trying to ...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 idinaNYTW001[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinaNYTW001%5B1%5D.jpg)
1387 views10/21/09 at 12:27ElPhIeIsGrEeN: simple as overthemoon ily idina menzel
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 074[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_074%5B1%5D.jpg)
618 views10/20/09 at 15:38ElPhIeIsGrEeN: jealous much?? . . . . . . . . (taye!!)

588 views10/18/09 at 22:23Ka: what is this?

158 views10/18/09 at 19:09annamaia: LOL!

185 views10/18/09 at 19:06annamaia: Such a precious expression. It breaks my heart x_x

108 views10/18/09 at 18:41annamaia: Check out their faces! Priceless

507 views10/18/09 at 05:20wickediswicked5: Taye has hair! Idina looks so prettiful!

2484 views10/18/09 at 04:42Defy*gravity: ^^^^^^^^^awwwwwwww thats cute but I want Idina to ...

119 views10/17/09 at 17:12elphieandidina: is joanne waving in the back?? hahahahhaha.
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