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1108 views04/17/09 at 11:00beccaba<3Wicked: yeah Elphiex94xcassi mee too it just looks like th...

823 views04/17/09 at 10:58beccaba<3Wicked: aww say cheese to a job well done, not cheers, che...

773 views04/17/09 at 10:58beccaba<3Wicked: I gotta get outta here! haha sorry maureen moment ...

1234 views04/17/09 at 10:56beccaba<3Wicked: okaay this is kindof funny and it took a few times...

936 views04/17/09 at 10:52beccaba<3Wicked: yeah I hated that scene it nearly made me cry. I d...

766 views04/17/09 at 10:18houstonflute84: Sigh...I remember those awful jumpers in the 90s. ...

104 views04/17/09 at 08:18xXLindaXx: awww i want to hold her hand ,too!

107 views04/17/09 at 07:59xXLindaXx: lol she does her "eerrrrm" face <3

1080 views04/16/09 at 17:17bennerbuster: ^ I agree . . . they're both probably very awa...

593 views04/16/09 at 17:14bennerbuster: Return of the Janet Jackson Microphone. That's...

583 views04/16/09 at 17:13bennerbuster: She looks like she's acting in a James Bond mo...

586 views04/16/09 at 15:40Defy*gravity: Taye: "No Idina honey don't go!" Idi...

766 views04/16/09 at 15:37Defy*gravity: look at the concentration on her little face lol ...

289 views04/15/09 at 23:38IdinaFan05: her speech was absolutely amazing and made me tear...

170 views04/15/09 at 23:37IdinaFan05: I love her smile!!!

192 views04/15/09 at 23:36IdinaFan05: she is so amazingly gorgeous!!!! i love idina!!!!

864 views04/14/09 at 23:56Binsygal33: o man lol, idina looks so much different here!

198 views04/14/09 at 21:05thruacceptinlimits: and thanks for taking me to see annie! and dream g...

280 views04/14/09 at 21:04thruacceptinlimits: she's like oh shit i have to speak now. at the...

196 views04/14/09 at 21:03thruacceptinlimits: i. LOVE. this picture. she put EVERYTHING into thi...

1080 views04/14/09 at 20:53thruacceptinlimits: wow you guys are immature... they're actors. i...
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 WickedRehearsal3[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_WickedRehearsal3%5B1%5D.jpg)
3071 views04/14/09 at 20:38thruacceptinlimits: wow i dont really feel like reading through all th...

1215 views04/14/09 at 18:18songgirl112: SLEEPING BEAUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

586 views04/14/09 at 18:05songgirl112: STAY WITH ME! IM GOING TO MISS YOU! SOUND FAMILAR?...

223 views04/14/09 at 17:42Fiero+Fae: amneris!!!!!!!!

916 views04/14/09 at 10:39nati0714: i agree with you Erin...i think that the reason fo...

403 views04/14/09 at 09:47xXLindaXx: @idinafan5301971 you can see her bones..

223 views04/14/09 at 09:43xXLindaXx: love the dress!

234 views04/14/09 at 09:42xXLindaXx: wow! love the dress from the model!

295 views04/13/09 at 23:05MusicLover18: This face just breaks my heart....

1056 views04/13/09 at 22:31Fiero+Fae: "we were doing things we probably wern't ...

586 views04/13/09 at 20:27Fiero+Fae: no! dont go!

955 views04/13/09 at 17:24xObroadwaybabyyOx: I feel like evry picture i see of them gets more a...

457 views04/13/09 at 17:23xObroadwaybabyyOx: They are insanely gorgeous together!! Their baby t...

371 views04/13/09 at 17:18thruacceptinlimits: taye's like: ok i'm gonna take the dog and...

266 views04/13/09 at 16:23xObroadwaybabyyOx: Omg i LOVE this one!! They both look so intense!

406 views04/13/09 at 14:52xObroadwaybabyyOx: In a crowd of people they still always manage to c...

334 views04/13/09 at 14:45xObroadwaybabyyOx: dee looks like shes tryin to do like a sexy vixen ...

1215 views04/13/09 at 14:44xXLindaXx: aaawwww.... so cute!!!!!

431 views04/13/09 at 14:41xObroadwaybabyyOx: Awwww they look so happy!!! But look at the guy cr...

440 views04/13/09 at 14:37xObroadwaybabyyOx: i feel like hes lookin at her like "damn! i g...
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