Last comments |

213 views12/16/08 at 16:54drummergirlh: O GOD! I was there! And she was so STUNNING! And s...

661 views12/16/08 at 16:51drummergirlh: How much do I wish I knew who she was and I'd ...

552 views12/16/08 at 16:45drummergirlh: OMG I LOVE THIS WOMAN AND THIS IS WHY!

Hollywood Records Promo2416 views12/16/08 at 16:06drummergirlh: Oh my...Liking that one...

9973 views12/15/08 at 19:19MiniMissMenzel: They are THE perfect couple.

3352 views12/15/08 at 14:17charleyxxxx: seriously right what are bangs?? haha i dont know ...

678 views12/14/08 at 16:16drummergirlh: Is that when he said "looks very nice in a bi...

800 views12/14/08 at 16:11drummergirlh: Owh she looks so nervous...but so goood!

441 views12/14/08 at 16:10drummergirlh: Owh man that's the top I love SO MUCH! I want ...

1148 views12/14/08 at 16:09drummergirlh: OMG! THIS FILM IS AMAZING! And they look so good!

330 views12/14/08 at 16:06drummergirlh: *is speechless* She looks stunning! And the dress....

2490 views12/14/08 at 16:04drummergirlh: Bless them. Maaan, if Idina kissed my cheek...

734 views12/14/08 at 16:02drummergirlh: CLASSIC blustery hat issue pic!

3352 views12/14/08 at 15:56drummergirlh: The lucky buggers...A Broadway show AND hangin'...

1038 views12/14/08 at 15:54drummergirlh: OH MY GOD! That dress...

1148 views12/13/08 at 16:56charleyxxxx: ahahaaaaa i actually just laughed my socks off ...

1148 views12/13/08 at 14:25idinaluvr: "taye its fackiin cold as shiit get me the he...

806 views12/11/08 at 23:08renthead22: i know they're probably smooching/about to smo...

6082 views12/11/08 at 11:31charleyxxxx: omg its like my mum!!! hahaaaa.. infact mum was in...

777 views12/10/08 at 19:56dancerxoxo: me too me too! grr i was only 2 when she came! :cr...

6082 views12/10/08 at 18:27mynameiskatie: haha. i think someone photoshoped my hair onto her...

1315 views12/08/08 at 23:19xoLauraox: ^actually..haha i think you're thinking of ker...

1627 views12/08/08 at 16:30drummergirlh: I wish I was Ray Romano...JUST FOR THAT!

593 views12/08/08 at 16:29drummergirlh: GREEN TROUSERS AND CONVERSES! OMFG (...)

479 views12/08/08 at 16:29drummergirlh: No...I WONT have my picture taken....................
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 TidinaPeople[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_TidinaPeople%5B1%5D.jpg)
5020 views12/08/08 at 16:27drummergirlh: Love is TOTALLY the word!

1097 views12/08/08 at 16:26drummergirlh: Again with the funny lookage!

1215 views12/08/08 at 16:26drummergirlh: WHERE ARE THEY LOOKING!

3615 views12/08/08 at 16:25drummergirlh: Ok...So this is just PERFECT in EVERY SINGLE WAY!

2676 views12/08/08 at 16:24drummergirlh: *cue Baywatch music*

2191 views12/08/08 at 16:16drummergirlh: OMGOMGOMG Bless her!

641 views12/07/08 at 00:23-Erin-: no, the whole movie is not a cartoon - none of it ...

1117 views12/06/08 at 20:29xomusicalbabyox: wow. whats with her nudity. i would never be naked...

700 views12/06/08 at 14:50Vessy: Too bad idina is not on the poster:( :

350 views12/05/08 at 22:04i'm defying gravity: I love how they coordinated their outfits without ...

3129 views12/05/08 at 21:57i'm defying gravity: I want that shirt.. again a sort of off-the-should...
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 mentzel1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_mentzel1%5B1%5D.jpg)
"RENT" Playbill1235 views12/05/08 at 21:52i'm defying gravity: This is my fave headshot of hers. Her hair looks ...
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 idina1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idina1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1000 views12/05/08 at 21:51i'm defying gravity: This is a good angle for her. She looks very Maur...
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 Idinaheadshot1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idinaheadshot1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1599 views12/05/08 at 21:50i'm defying gravity: It doesn't look like Idina at first glance, bu...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 03[1]~0.jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_03%5B1%5D~0.jpg)
1865 views12/04/08 at 19:57Ka: I had a dream i want to a this little town house w...

700 views12/04/08 at 19:37Ka: Taya and Idina come together, it's like a pack...

1473 views12/03/08 at 17:40drummergirlh: What she gonna do with that stick eh?

1508 views12/03/08 at 17:38drummergirlh: Looks like that show "Are you affraid nof the...

1469 views12/03/08 at 17:35drummergirlh: Saw Amdram RENT in London recently n they did the ...

1941 views12/03/08 at 17:34drummergirlh: She got that dream...and some. And it matured...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 Idina-RENT_13[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-RENT_13%5B1%5D.jpg)
2312 views12/03/08 at 17:31drummergirlh: Aha...*Taye asleep on Idina's hand*
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 38[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_38%5B1%5D.jpg)
2045 views12/03/08 at 17:30drummergirlh: Owh those trousers...I would...
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