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2193 views11/18/08 at 10:11Defy*gravity: Silverhand that's not Idina's hand it'...

2640 views11/18/08 at 10:04Defy*gravity: it looks like she's trying to look in his ear ...

164 views11/16/08 at 12:12I_Luv_Idina: kiss to you too, Idina!

246 views11/15/08 at 23:09mishyy12: i fucking love this woman! lol

341 views11/15/08 at 17:23Krystal_Lynn: I was at this concert!!!!!!!! So amazing!! Unbelie...

4631 views11/15/08 at 16:44Tammi_60: Ha..all you tall people...I'm 5'3

341 views11/15/08 at 07:13Binsygal33: She is so pretty
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 rentrecording1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_rentrecording1%5B1%5D.jpg)
2621 views11/13/08 at 21:01strange_lonely: i get a "blast from the past" feeling ev...

1439 views11/11/08 at 22:39Tammi_60: CREEPY!

223 views11/11/08 at 22:33Tammi_60: Love the lip curl

395 views11/11/08 at 06:48Vessy: Can she get any more unearthly beautiful?

395 views11/11/08 at 00:27sarahxo: ahh I really love this song so much! So inspiratio...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 CDSigning3[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_CDSigning3%5B1%5D.jpg)
1543 views11/10/08 at 17:45-Erin-: Defy*gravity: Her sister? Check the 2004 Tony af...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 01[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_01%5B1%5D.jpg)
3970 views11/10/08 at 14:50MiniMissMenzel: That does not even look like her!
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 CDSigning3[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_CDSigning3%5B1%5D.jpg)
1543 views11/10/08 at 10:58Defy*gravity: does anyone know where I can find a picture of Car...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 BordersWickedSigning1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_BordersWickedSigning1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1402 views11/10/08 at 10:54Defy*gravity: at first I thought that was a dvd and I was like W...

US Weekly - December 11, 20063204 views11/10/08 at 03:40pocketfullofsunshine395: taye face looks like he said I SEE YOU!!!! LOVE TH...

People Magazine - March 20, 20061470 views11/10/08 at 03:29pocketfullofsunshine395: idina is such a brave little toaster!!! she is so ...

Hot Zone Magazine 1996 - 'Rent' 3183 views11/10/08 at 03:19pocketfullofsunshine395: totally agree^^ who knew wilson was ripped!!! and ...

Newsday - March 12, 20061688 views11/10/08 at 03:14pocketfullofsunshine395: nice article!!! waite a minute is this a newspaper...

US Weekly - December 5, 20052050 views11/10/08 at 02:53pocketfullofsunshine395: the most amazingly gorgeuos couple evea!!! i love ...

3712 views11/09/08 at 13:23Elphiex03: Ugh, I like Idina with taye, but i think i'd b...

176 views11/09/08 at 00:49katiekakes2: it's actually a skirt and a shirt!!! i think i...

328 views11/08/08 at 21:50star girl: aww cutteeee^

414 views11/08/08 at 21:49star girl: hehe she's a momma bear in the movie

404 views11/08/08 at 21:46star girl: its bc she know she has to wear that and carry aro...
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 BWAYidinacatsuit1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_BWAYidinacatsuit1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1491 views11/08/08 at 18:28breana: meeeooowww!!!!!

3615 views11/08/08 at 12:19Defy*gravity: I wonder if she knows that her holiday photos are ...

556 views11/08/08 at 12:07Defy*gravity: I envy how Idina can put on a simple top and jeans...

707 views11/08/08 at 12:05Defy*gravity: awwwwwwwwww look at little Sammy sitting
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 01[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_01%5B1%5D.jpg)
3970 views11/08/08 at 11:15Tammi_60: She was not kidding about that hair...I still LOVE...

8539 views11/08/08 at 11:08Tammi_60: Kristin needs to stop making her have laugh attack...

1081 views11/08/08 at 08:55Vessy: Wow, she is gonna look really young in 2023. Just ...
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