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434 views10/10/08 at 14:11vickypurdue: it's like the three of them are trying to blin...

481 views10/10/08 at 14:07vickypurdue: idina is love: it's Aisha Tyler - she was in G...

480 views10/10/08 at 14:03vickypurdue: i second that! (or rather, i third it!)

715 views10/10/08 at 14:01vickypurdue: lol well done to the person with the camera catchi...

653 views10/10/08 at 13:05vickypurdue: lol this pic looks posed like some kind of movie p...
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 5976b[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_5976b%5B1%5D.jpg)
6001 views10/10/08 at 06:28isyroe_1206: they all look ridiculous hahaha

2563 views10/10/08 at 06:22isyroe_1206: i can't believe she fell down a hole. what a t...

678 views10/09/08 at 21:25broadway17: Her Face is So Priceless!!!

778 views10/09/08 at 21:23broadway17: I so 2nd that!

748 views10/09/08 at 21:23broadway17: it's all her AWESOMENESS!! that makes her so b...

800 views10/09/08 at 21:20broadway17: it looks like he made a joke and she was like wtf?...

800 views10/09/08 at 19:55Defying Gravity 101: awww she looks like shes about to cry!!!!! TAYE!!!...

778 views10/09/08 at 17:39pookie10: ^^^AMEN.

800 views10/09/08 at 17:38pookie10: wow. she looks soooooo concerned.

431 views10/09/08 at 17:36pookie10: showing how big obama's hair was in high schoo...

481 views10/09/08 at 17:27idina is love: who's the girl to the left?

454 views10/09/08 at 17:04Vessy: Yes, i know i am gorgeous!!

454 views10/09/08 at 15:44I_Luv_Idina: OMG you are so right! I'm looking at th...

715 views10/09/08 at 15:42I_Luv_Idina: Ya'll took mey comments! Grrr! I luv her facia...

678 views10/09/08 at 15:40I_Luv_Idina: Taye would say that too! I can see why! Not to sou...

778 views10/09/08 at 15:37I_Luv_Idina: THE ABSOLUTE HOTTEST COUPLE IN THE WORLD!

748 views10/09/08 at 15:36I_Luv_Idina: How does she look so perfect all the time!?

549 views10/09/08 at 15:35I_Luv_Idina: I am about to cry! I couldn't go and see her!

528 views10/09/08 at 15:33I_Luv_Idina: Kriss9918, I know how you feel. I live in St. Loui...

653 views10/09/08 at 15:31I_Luv_Idina: Yeah it is! Dee looks amazed, but at what? ...

527 views10/09/08 at 15:26I_Luv_Idina: My school is having a mock election and I voted fo...

431 views10/09/08 at 15:23I_Luv_Idina: Umm. What is she doing?

800 views10/09/08 at 15:22I_Luv_Idina: She has the same shoes as me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

779 views10/09/08 at 15:11elphie4891: Where's She going and is this during a show :...

674 views10/09/08 at 00:35catylaloca: hahaha her face is so funny!!!

653 views10/09/08 at 00:10catylaloca: i like this picture... the quality its quite amazi...

778 views10/08/08 at 20:20AngeloDiAmy: Can they get any cuter?

800 views10/08/08 at 19:30locknessie: SHE'S WEARING CONVERS!!!!!!!!! but not red one...

800 views10/08/08 at 13:26xfanzelx: bahaha what did taye do?

748 views10/08/08 at 00:08wickedcrazy: omg!!! i have those same sunglasses as Aisha does ...

463 views10/07/08 at 21:45elphierox: totally!

459 views10/07/08 at 21:43elphierox: ha, she's totally zoned out

463 views10/07/08 at 21:02bRoAdWaYcRaZy: Anyone Else Think It Would Be Cool If She Sang Eve...

559 views10/07/08 at 21:02bRoAdWaYcRaZy: OH My Goodness! Is It Even Legal To be That Cute!!...

407 views10/07/08 at 21:01bRoAdWaYcRaZy: I bet Taye Just Said Something About Her And She D...

434 views10/07/08 at 21:00bRoAdWaYcRaZy: Smile Much? Thats Pretty Amazing. I Wish i Had Idi...

422 views10/07/08 at 21:00bRoAdWaYcRaZy: Ahahahahaha! Wow! This Is So Cute. i Love It When ...

528 views10/07/08 at 08:50idina_1fan: this pic is so cute.

528 views10/07/08 at 02:23kris9918: No way! I live in Columbia! I had no idea they wer...

678 views10/06/08 at 20:03Defying_Gravity15: i think it's right after Taye said Idina looks...

528 views10/06/08 at 20:02elphabagreen: she looks so happy here!

715 views10/06/08 at 20:01elphabagreen: Idina has the cutest facial expressions at this ra...

560 views10/06/08 at 19:31pookie10: AWESOME.
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