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4074 views09/23/08 at 18:39Beautifully_Tragicx3: Her eyes are so striking and beautiful in this pic...

2326 views09/23/08 at 18:37Beautifully_Tragicx3: Ahhh, she is beautiful, as always!! She looks so i...

3067 views09/23/08 at 18:34Beautifully_Tragicx3: This pic makes me smile so much!! So cute!! As it ...

1374 views09/23/08 at 18:22Beautifully_Tragicx3: ahhh she looks so cute =] as always. Such a lovely...
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 idinajuliamurneyHAIR1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinajuliamurneyHAIR1%5B1%5D.jpg)
1295 views09/23/08 at 15:20justme: to find the interview, type in: Julia Murney I wa...

7942 views09/23/08 at 03:06Vessy: This pic is pure reflection of true fairytale. Da...

882 views09/21/08 at 15:42stoney_end32: haha pitchforks totaly happen! but god shes so pre...

196 views09/21/08 at 13:48stoney_end32: i do it to! haha idina does it all the time i love...
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 5976b[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_5976b%5B1%5D.jpg)
6001 views09/21/08 at 12:50I_Luv_Idina: What is Cheno doing?! Luv the Elphie Dance!!!!! I ...

2591 views09/20/08 at 16:41Vessy: haha, this is so retro. love it!!

2508 views09/20/08 at 16:39Vessy: Yep, and his wife Ria Pear man.

1080 views09/20/08 at 16:36Vessy: Wow, they look so different. They are so young, we...

1823 views09/20/08 at 03:28Defy*gravity: that does NOT look like Rosario

4429 views09/20/08 at 03:26Defy*gravity: how could she hate shopping?

2627 views09/20/08 at 03:20Defy*gravity: what on earth is going on with that skirt? love th...

7942 views09/20/08 at 03:14Defy*gravity: Taye's goin like "oooooooooooh your hair ...

8263 views09/20/08 at 03:14Defy*gravity: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww look how they're looking at...

6767 views09/20/08 at 03:07Defy*gravity: this is like the fairytale wedding that every girl...

1282 views09/18/08 at 17:19idina#1fanzel: she looks so cute with her hair like that! ive nev...

7337 views09/18/08 at 11:51xfanzelx: Too Cute!! Love Them!!! Tidina!!

5940 views09/17/08 at 07:20Vessy: All looking great, but two are outstandingly beaut...

858 views09/17/08 at 07:14Vessy: I still do not understand one thing. What is wrong...

1592 views09/17/08 at 04:30stoney_end32: that is so frikin adorable!!

1189 views09/17/08 at 04:29stoney_end32: ^ bangs - like a fringe ongly hot haha. i think Id...

1817 views09/17/08 at 02:53stoney_end32: 11 stoney-end32. even though they have it on ebay ...

2175 views09/17/08 at 02:47stoney_end32: hot dress one of the best entrances ever!!

2967 views09/17/08 at 02:46stoney_end32: ^ i think she just needs a hug! wed all give her o...

4033 views09/17/08 at 02:44stoney_end32: one of my favs! i just love it! look at that pose!...

1558 views09/17/08 at 02:42stoney_end32: im not sure yet but this might be my fav maureen p...

299 views09/17/08 at 02:38stoney_end32: i like her hair like that

269 views09/17/08 at 02:37stoney_end32: hehe no shoes!! love the wole outfit, earings and ...

408 views09/17/08 at 02:36stoney_end32: ^ exactly what i wanted to say
Date added=Oct 13, 2005 P1010024[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_P1010024%5B1%5D.jpg)
2990 views09/16/08 at 16:38Vessy: whatever happen there - it was nit an earthquake, ...

Hollywood Records Promo2416 views09/15/08 at 20:15pocketfullofsunshine395: OMG!!! we should soooo protest to get an idina dol...

857 views09/15/08 at 17:33queenivy: it kinda looks like someone paused a movie that sh...

723 views09/15/08 at 17:24queenivy: i think they're naturally hazel cause they'...

1701 views09/15/08 at 05:54Vessy: I still think Taye and Idinas Wickedness is hotte...

135 views09/15/08 at 03:45Vessy: She will look great with a garbage bag on her.

518 views09/14/08 at 19:28elphierox: she's so cute!

135 views09/14/08 at 15:42elphaba/idina: I wonder why Idina isn't wearing bangs anymore...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 idinabraids1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinabraids1%5B1%5D.jpg)
6827 views09/14/08 at 12:40Reilly87: so cute!
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 babyidina1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_babyidina1%5B1%5D.jpg)
5735 views09/14/08 at 12:38Reilly87: at first I couldn't believe that was her...but...
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