Last comments |

861 views01/16/11 at 14:46Sedefika: though this one is goergeous, she looks better whe...

322 views01/16/11 at 14:44Sedefika: wow she looks soo white. She should play snow whit...
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 idinamenzel[1]~0.jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinamenzel%5B1%5D~0.jpg)
1426 views01/16/11 at 14:27-Erin-: because she dyed it that color? lol
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 idinamenzel[1]~0.jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinamenzel%5B1%5D~0.jpg)
1426 views01/16/11 at 13:38idinaismyhero2: why is Idina a ginger in this picture? Not that I ...

6082 views01/10/11 at 09:06AshMichele: HAHAHAHAHAH. Oh man.

570 views01/09/11 at 23:39thruacceptinlimits: oh my god. i can't believe how much he looks ...

566 views12/24/10 at 20:14Elphabawicked: she looks beautiful as usual but I prefer her with...

3077 views12/24/10 at 13:49Jisbon-Fan: The first thing that popped into my head when I sa...

337 views12/24/10 at 13:37Jisbon-Fan: I don't know why, but for some reason, I am i...

464 views12/19/10 at 17:32Jisbon-Fan: ^ that totally sums it up

84 views12/19/10 at 17:23Jisbon-Fan: Uh, can you say STUNNING?

352 views12/19/10 at 10:27-Erin-: You can download it in the Music Promotions sectio...

352 views12/18/10 at 22:42020394: where can i watch this? ooh, i love to see her rea...

265 views12/13/10 at 16:56osatwa: idina???

566 views12/10/10 at 19:31deefan101: OMG she looks sooooo different with all that makeu...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 idinabraids1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinabraids1%5B1%5D.jpg)
6826 views12/07/10 at 17:49rentandwicked4ever: wickedgravity22, I was thinking the same thing. Sh...

388 views12/06/10 at 14:45overthemoowithme: Their song was hilarious and amazing. I love th...

427 views12/06/10 at 11:13maya: you can have heard her sing this song a thousand t...

2353 views12/05/10 at 01:02jfundora96: I am absolutley in love with Idina's outfit h...

4447 views12/05/10 at 00:58jfundora96: Has anyone ever noticed how perfectly Idina's...

Hollywood Records Promo2416 views11/30/10 at 13:09osatwa: okay, she looks younger then me, and I'm not ...

566 views11/30/10 at 12:04letmefall530: there arent even enough words to describe now stun...

566 views11/30/10 at 11:27thruacceptinlimits: WOW. I cannot get over this picture! This is such ...

566 views11/29/10 at 19:35idinaismyhero2: ^riika-ka yeah that's totally true she looks-...

566 views11/29/10 at 19:15Michele: Very beautiful picture. She looks different, but n...

566 views11/29/10 at 18:29Jisbon-Fan: OMG I think I Just died from this pic's/her s...

312 views11/28/10 at 23:59monkey21: I love this picture of her

566 views11/28/10 at 13:35riik-ka: She kinda doesn't look like herself but I lov...

566 views11/28/10 at 11:51overthemoowithme: Holy Shiz. She's so beautiful and gorgeous an...

226 views11/27/10 at 18:58Jisbon-Fan: um, so gorgeous it's a sin. <3

2191 views11/22/10 at 20:36wickedloverxo: aw Walker is ahdorable! he has idina's eyes

312 views11/22/10 at 19:04xxleilaxx: This is the sexiest thing I have seen in quite som...

117 views11/18/10 at 15:11KaraL14145: I LOVE THIS PICTURE!!!

1260 views11/17/10 at 21:35deejaymcknight: A with with a pout. how is this not just beyond wi...

312 views11/17/10 at 19:37IdinaIsWicked8: LOVE her dress!!! Her hair looks fabulous to! Love...

200 views11/17/10 at 18:22-Erin-: She had gotten down to audience level to allow for...

312 views11/16/10 at 15:26riik-ka: she looks gorgeous

262 views11/09/10 at 16:22ashley_rs2001: I love this dress. she looks so georgous. BEAUTIFU...

772 views11/08/10 at 19:11crayonangel: where's idina's hand going? lol some...

85 views11/06/10 at 09:56ElPhIeIsGrEeN: Idina: It was THISSSS big!!

463 views11/05/10 at 00:17ashley_rs2001: I absolutly love this picture. Completely catches ...

463 views11/03/10 at 18:47Michele: She's beautiful

55 views11/03/10 at 16:48MarkLuvsMaureen101: She's allergic to feathers and yet the chicke...
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