Last comments |

522 views05/28/08 at 15:57DT: Toss Toss LOL

901 views05/28/08 at 15:22idinaluvr: what is this movie about?
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 06[1]~0.jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_06%5B1%5D~0.jpg)
881 views05/28/08 at 15:12idinaluvr: i kno^^^^

2730 views05/27/08 at 16:55catylaloca: OMG! is profesor sprout!

738 views05/26/08 at 19:21angurisfirefly: she looks good with watever she wears
Date added=Oct 15, 2005 rentrecording1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_rentrecording1%5B1%5D.jpg)
2621 views05/22/08 at 19:23star girl: ya i love when idina's accent slips in. 3 of m...

2209 views05/22/08 at 17:28iHeartElijah: Idina's just like: "Hello great big nosed...

1460 views05/22/08 at 15:380XOnMyOwnX0: Not everyone can come and go by bubble!

855 views05/22/08 at 15:370XOnMyOwnX0: The glasses rule!

987 views05/22/08 at 15:370XOnMyOwnX0: You look positivley emerald =D

917 views05/22/08 at 15:280XOnMyOwnX0: The Wizard..... And I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing!

1254 views05/22/08 at 14:380XOnMyOwnX0: I'm beeing pushed over a cliff by a suicidal M...

1592 views05/22/08 at 14:370XOnMyOwnX0: A desert called "Cyberland"

1508 views05/22/08 at 14:350XOnMyOwnX0: Idina looks hilarious! Shes such an inspiration!

1299 views05/22/08 at 14:330XOnMyOwnX0: Viva! La Vie! Boheme!

1353 views05/22/08 at 14:320XOnMyOwnX0: Take me for what I am! Who I was ment to be!! :lol...

1265 views05/22/08 at 14:320XOnMyOwnX0: This is such a great show! I wish I'd been abl...

1585 views05/22/08 at 14:300XOnMyOwnX0: Jesse looks so cute! Idina is great! Loving the co...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 idinabraids1[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_idinabraids1%5B1%5D.jpg)
6827 views05/22/08 at 13:59Wickedstardust: Oh bless her little heart. so gorgas in this pic.....

2020 views05/20/08 at 16:17rememberrent: omg this is kinda funny!

2023 views05/20/08 at 16:08rememberrent: TAKE ME BABY!!! totally sexy!! bring it on ...

2326 views05/20/08 at 16:05rememberrent: wow... -snif- this is so cute!
Date added=Oct 16, 2005 38[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_38%5B1%5D.jpg)
2045 views05/20/08 at 16:02rememberrent: i've had to wear leather pants too... OWWWWW!!...

661 views05/19/08 at 15:26mm101: save a horse ride a...well i think everyone knows ...

US Weekly - December 11, 20063204 views05/17/08 at 14:14HCO94: styyyylin' couple LOVE THEM TOGETHEEEEERRRR...

4447 views05/17/08 at 14:08HCO94: AAADDDOOORRRABBBLLLEE! Oh my goodness!!     ...
Date added=Oct 10, 2005 Idina-BroadwayBares_27[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_Idina-BroadwayBares_27%5B1%5D.jpg)
402 views05/17/08 at 14:01HCO94: whats she doing?? I cant really tell..

3077 views05/17/08 at 08:22princesspur2: she is like dude listin i am AWSOME!
Date added=Oct 08, 2005 prev22[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_prev22%5B1%5D.jpg)
482 views05/17/08 at 01:05DT: I just had a vision almost like a prophecy...........

1234 views05/17/08 at 01:00DT: GreenGurlRokzWurld!!!!!!!!!!!

7942 views05/16/08 at 21:58Rosanne: It makes me so happy to see them together and so i...

8375 views05/16/08 at 16:25cirquefanian: Why do they still keep their original last names L...
Date added=Oct 09, 2005 03[1].jpg](albums/userpics/10001/thumb_03%5B1%5D.jpg)
5354 views05/16/08 at 14:50wicked4idina: my chorus teachers have always told me im not good...

6082 views05/16/08 at 14:46wicked4idina: looks like my 1st moms hair in the early 90's....

8171 views05/16/08 at 14:23wicked4idina: i wish they would adopt me. i need a mom and dad

4251 views05/16/08 at 13:39wicked4idina: to Nikki_is_CUTE it is her little nephew avery

429 views04/23/08 at 13:53GreenifyMe35: MY FAVORITE PICTURE!!!!

348 views04/23/08 at 10:42clarissaheartsyewh: Lmao! thats what made me look at the pic! I though...

306 views04/23/08 at 08:36Amsley: Clench that jaw muscle!

622 views04/23/08 at 08:16Changed4Good: for about 2 seconds I thought that was a woman.

715 views04/23/08 at 08:14am507: "oh come on pookie!!" lol

498 views04/22/08 at 23:53soccerlauren65: 'we are going to kill you now' haha jk

294 views04/22/08 at 23:47soccerlauren65: lol ^ nice . i would totally just start lauging...

348 views04/22/08 at 23:45soccerlauren65: the butt!! geez, is it just me??? or is it big he...

513 views04/22/08 at 23:44soccerlauren65: ^ she does look REALLY CUTE <3

302 views04/22/08 at 23:44soccerlauren65: double chin, lol jk she could never loo...
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