Tomorrow, May 18, marks Idina’s return to Glee! Make sure to set your TiVos and tune in! She has done a few interviews recently to promote her guest spot. Here’s one that was filmed a couple weeks ago for ABC News Radio.

Make sure to read AND watch this great one from today’s USA Today. Click the link to read more.

On tomorrow’s E! News, they will air their own exclusive interview with her, so make sure you watch for that, too! Don’t worry if you miss it, though. We’ll include it in our Glee 1×19 update later this week. And remember, tomorrow Volume 3 of the Glee soundtrack will be released, including 2 of Idina’s songs! Pre-order on iTunes today.

In more news of the exclusive variety, Idina will be giving Idina-Here an interview as well! Created by the fans, for the fans, members of LiveJournal community IdinaMenzelWorship contributed questions more than 2 years ago – yes, 2 years! – before I even started maintaining this site (or I would have asked for contributions here). That just goes to show you how busy she is! Anyway, it should be very enjoyable to read, considering she wasn’t asked how long it took to get green every night or if there’s ever going to be a Wicked movie – we all know the answers to those, right? I’m not sure when the interview will be ready to go, but she’s chipping away at it in what little free time she has these days. It might be days, weeks, or even months, but as soon as it’s complete, I’ll be sharing it! :)

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