63 thoughts on “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IDINA!

  1. Every day is a good day, but today is SPECIAL. Hope you have a great one and you make the festivities last at least a week. Food, family and fun with friends. Bettie in SF (We’re waiting patiently for July 9th)

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IDINA!!!!!! Have the most splendidly amazing birthday!!

    Lots of Love
    Olivia Mitchel, Surrey, England :)
    xxx xox xxx

    P.s. PLease come back to England! :)

  3. Happy Birthday Idina! Have a great day. :)
    lots of love, Emma Delin, England.

  4. Happy Birthday Idina!!!
    Hope you have a lovely day
    Lots of love Pixie, England


    I saw you in Mamaroneck, Union, and Washington D.C. (twice).
    Hope your birthday is amazing!

    Kristina, Maryland

  7. Happy birthday, Idina! I really with I could see you perform!

    Lots of love from the Philippines,

    PS. I’ll moo with you anytime. Teehee.


    WISH YOU AND YOUR LOVELY FAMILY ALL THE BEST. You certainly deserve it. Thanks for sharing your extraordinary talents with the world. We love you!

    Hugs from the Philippines!

    Love, Tricia :)

  9. Happy Birthday, Idina! Have an INCREDIBLE day…you deserve it! You are such an inspiration to me, as well as many others. Thank you for being yourself, and sharing your wonderful music and career with us! :)


  10. Happy birthday, Idina!!

    Enjoy your day and God bless you and your family always. Thank you for making me feel Gorgeous and Brave and that I can always defy gravity at any cost. :)

    Denise, Philippines

  11. Happy Birthday Idina!!!
    I hope you have an incredibly fantastic day, you totally deserve it!!! Every day you inspire me, and make me feel like I could truly amount to something one day. You’re so effing talented it makes my brain hurt sometimes, because until I hear you sing I didn’t know anybody could be so amazing. You’re absolutely incredible, you’ve always been my idol, and your voice gives me chills every time I hear it.
    Have an amazing day, and many many more. You deserve the best, and nothing less!!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful music and incredible talent with us. I don’t know where I’d be without it.

    All my love,
    Elana Kennedy ♥♥ ♫

  12. Happy Birthday Idina!!!

    You are absolutely GORGEOUS in every single way! I hope you have an amazing day! (Rhyming! Haha.)

    With love,
    Rachel :)

  13. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a glorious day and many more. Can’t wait to see you in July in NY!

    Elysse, Connecticut

  14. Hey idina, I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday.
    Have an amazing day :)
    Love you,
    Caty (from Mexico :D)

  15. Idina! Hope that today is filled with happiness and Happy Birthday!! I’ll be seeing you in Dallas, TX!!!
    (Plano, TX)

  16. Happy Birthday Idina! I hope your day is amazing and beautiful, and that you can some to London sometime soon for a concert! You have so much talent, and I feel so honoured to have seem you live at the Chess concert. Thank you for sharing all your talant with us, I don’t know where I’d be without it!

    Best wishes, Olivia Law, Oxfords, UK

  17. Happy birthday, Idina! I hope you’re getting to spend a beautiful day filled with love, laughter, sunshine and joy with all your loved-ones.
    Keep up the great work! You’re an inspiration to so many people!

    Julia (from Germany)

  18. Happy Birthday Idina.
    I hope you have the most wonderfully special day today. You deserve it so much for the joy and inspiration you bring us daily. Thank you for sharing not only your beautiful voice with us over the years, but also your even more beautiful personality. You are so honest and real that even never having met you, when I hear your voice, it comforts me and I feel like I’m with an old friend. You have given a part of yourself to us through all you do and I thank you for such a precious gift. You mean so much to us.
    Much love always, Susan. xo
    (Portadown, Northern Ireland)

  19. Happy Birthday Idina!!! I hope you have an AMAZING birthday!
    Ashley(from Florida)

  20. Happy Birthday Idina! Hope it’s a great one. Can’t wait to see you in Dallas in a few weeks. :)

    Lubbock, TX

  21. Happy Birthday! Every year that passes proves exactly how much staying power you have as a performer. Your love for us crazy fans proves that you can do anything – including deal with us. Have a great day celebrating with your family.

    Molly (Cary, NC)

  22. Happy Birthday Idina!!1
    thanks for being your own wonderful self.
    can’t wait to see you in Lenox later this summer.
    – Yana ( Hartford, CT)

  23. Happy Birthday Idina!
    God, youre so amazing! Have a fantastic birthday and I hope all your birthday wishes come true! ;)
    I just adore you.
    Sheeva xoxo

  24. Idina!! I hope you have an amazing birthday!! I hope you have an awesome day today and feel very special, because you are. I hope it’s even more special with your little Walker!!
    I can’t wait to see you in Costa Mesa
    I love you so much!!
    <3 Alex (CA)
    PS. We are having a birthday party for you at my house today :)
    <3 you always

  25. Happy birthday Idina! You are one of the most amazing gorgeous talented loveliest people and you are such an inspiration! I hope I can meet you someday! Love ya! Xxoo

  26. Happy Birthday Idina!! Hope you have a great day with friends and family :) Have fun and enjoy it!!!
    With much love, Jennifer P. from Miami <33


  28. HAPPY B-DAY IDINA! I hope you have a great day/weekend.
    Keep on being amazing =)
    from, Emily S. in Ohio


    Dont think of today as being one year older, think of today as marking one more year youve influenced ALL of us here and further out.

    Sure its corny, but you always need a little on your bday :)

    Cant wait to see you in San Fran and Cosra Mesa!

    -Brooke in Orange County, Cali

    I hope you have an amazing day and I hope you realize how influential you are too so many of us. You have been my idol since i was about ten and i am now seventeen. Everyone in my family loves you and i expose your incredible talent to everyone that will listen. My parents surprised me and got meet and greet passes to meet you last year for my 16th birthday. Meeting you was the BEST experience of my life, one that i will remember forever! I just want to thank you so much for being such an incredible performer, singer, and person. Please continue to share your talent to as many people as you can because I truly believe that you are the most amazing singer in the world!
    P.S. i am flying to Philly to see your show on june 24th!

    Love always,
    Brittany Greene

  31. Omg it’s Idina Day!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IDINA!!!! I can’t wait to see you in Pittsburgh!!!!! Thanks for being the greatest person in my life!!!!!! I hope Walker and Taye are doing well!!!!

    Lots of Love!!!


    P.s. I hope you’ll sing Over The Moon at your Pittsburgh concert!!

  32. Happy Birthday Idina! I hope you have an amazing day! Thank you so much for all you do! you are such an inspiration to everyone that hears your music! I hope you know just how incredible and absolutely gorgeous you are! I saw wicked in April in NYC and everyone there is still talking about how much they miss you at the gershwin!

    I live in north carolina and im coming to your july 17th concert in DC as a graduation present =)

    I hope Taye is doing well and congratulations on Walker! he is beautiful!

    Thank you for everything! I cant even begin to explain to you how much your performances in Wicked and Rent changed my life!
    Jenna, Greensboro North Carolina

  33. “We turn not older with years, but newer every day.”
    – Emily Dickinson

    Happy Birthday Idina! I hope this day is a great one, and that you share it with those you love.

    xo Lauren M.
    Huntington, NY

    ps. Just got my tickets for you’re show on Oct. 2nd at CW Post. Can’t wait!

  34. Happy Birthday Idina – May you keep blessing US with your voice for many years to come! I know thats not a birthday wish, but your voice is something that makes my day special every-time i hear you.

    If I hope can give just a little joy back by sending you this birthday wish, that would be ok by me!

    All my love, hugs, and kisses!
    From across the pond in South Africa!

  35. Happy Birthday, Idina!
    Hope you have an amazing day. I have seen you three times live and am always amazed at how you not only have a wonderful voice, but also an infectious, inspiring personality! That’s a true talent. Best wishes to you and your family!

  36. Happy Birthday Idina
    Hope your day is special, your an amazing person and deserve the best on your special day. You are such an inspiration, can’t wait to hear your wonderful voice and you out there on that stage!

    Love, Alexis M.
    Granada Hills, CA

  37. Happy Birthday to the most morvellous vocals in the entire world, to the gorgeous woman we know it’s OK to look up to, to the most infectious laugh I’ve ever heard, to the Mother to the luckiest little boy ever, to a gifted person I am thankful to have gotten to know, although, unfortunately, not “live”.
    So, happy birthday, Idina! I wish you nothing but the best!
    *SAP key* Espero um dia ter o prazer de vê-la em pessoa, de te dar um abraço, ou simplesmente prestigiar seu talento a poucos metros de distância. FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO! *SAP key*
    All my love,
    PAM – (Brazil)

  38. Have a happy, happy, wonderful, fantastic birthday, Idina! You are my hero, you inspire me every day! Hope to see you back on GLEE next season – you’ve been fabulous so far!

    And congratulations as well on your beautiful little boy!

    – Jocelyn from Tompkins County, NY

  39. Even if a little bit late,Happy Birthday Idina,or as we say here in Italy,Buon Compleanno!
    Listening to your voice is the greatest inspiration for me:it reminds me that we can all defy gravity,be strong and achieve everything we want!Thank You for your wonderful work and the grace and kindness you always show.
    I really hope that one day I will be able to see you performing here in Italy or anywhere else in Europe:I missed Chess,but it won’t happen again!
    Have a wonderful day with all your family and the people you love!
    Un grande bacio
    Ilenia (Italy)

  40. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had an awesome day! Sorry it’s a bit late…. I live in London so…. lol….

  41. Happy Birthday Idina!
    You seriously brought my mom and me closer together by being on Glee! <3 you in Rent and Wicked too!!!

    -Becca :)

  42. I Hope you have an AMAZING birthday!!!! You definitely deserve it!!!!=D You inspire me and I’m pretty sure everyone else on here So, keep on doing what you do cause it’s obviously working!!=D With lots of love Indri from Las Vegas!!!

    P.S. Please come to Las Vegas!!=D

  43. Dear Idina,
    I just think you’re so wonderful! What a great day it is to celebrate your life and who you are. You’ve truly made this world a better place with all your loveliness. I’ve been a fan for so many years now. Seeing you on stage, on-screen, online, and hearing your music is so amazing, but nothing compares to feeling you present. When I met you for a small moment in Boston I was overwhelmed with your vitality and beautiful energy. It was so invigorating. Thank you for being you. I sincerely hope you’re birthday is full of fun and happiness as well as this next year of your life. Happy Birthday Idina.

    Loran Loosli

    ps see you in SF!

  44. Muchas felicidades Idina!!!!

    I wish you and your family only the best, now and ever… I hope someday you can come to Mexico and let your fans here enjoy that beautiful voice you have… Congratulations!

  45. Idina, seems unlikely that you’ll read these, but on the off chance…haaaaaaaaaapppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyy birthday! Hope you know how adored you are by all your fans!! I’m coming from OH to SF just to see you in July…can’t wait! Hope you had a great day! Melissa

  46. Wishing you all the best on you birthday! Thanks for being amazing.

    Much love,

  47. Happy Birthday Idina, I hope you had a great day. Can’t wait to see you on July 19th.

  48. Happy Birthday Idina i love you so much and wish you nothing but the best on this special day
    Peace and Love Khloe

  49. Idina! I just left a lengthy happy birthday wish on your official site.. but hey, I love you so much I’ll leave ya another one.
    I’ll make it short, sweet, and to the point this time.
    You’re truely an amazing person and thank you for being such an incredible role model. (:
    XO, Courtney

  50. happy birthday, idina! you have changed my life for the better! and i hope this birthday changes you for the better, too! thank you soo much for all that you do to inspire the world!
    love, hannah
    p.s. you being on glee was a fabulous birthday present to me!
    p.p.s. you being on glee and singing gaga and singing gaga on glee was the best birthday present ever!! i love you so much! thank you!

  51. Happy Birthday Idina!! I hope you had a fantastic day, Good luck with your tour this year :)

  52. Hi Idina!!! Happy Birthday!!! You are my inspiration for becoming an actress and a singer. I saw you at The Egg in Albany, NY and it was the best night of my life!!! Love you!! -Ellen ♥
    P.S. You were aMAzing on Glee! I LOVE Glee and when I heard you were going to be on I was so excited! The Lady Gaga episode has been my favorite so far!!

  53. Happy birthday and best wishes for another year with your beautiful family. Good luck with the rest of the tour!

  54. before I heard of you, i never thought that I would ever have a role model. Whenever teachers would give out those “Who is your Role Model?” essay papers i would just have to make up something like, the president or something lame like that. And I thought that all those people that would be totally obsessed with someone famous were silly, i mean they don’t even know them. But ever since I started listening to your music, I just couldn’t stop. Then I started looking into more of the stuff you did and I was amazed. And one night I was listening to I Stand, and I was like “wow. I friggin love her”. so now, you are my one and only role model and one day I hope I can be maybe half as amazing as you. You are everything I could ever hope to be, and have done everything I wish to ever accomplish. You are truly amazing, and I hope that your birhtday is the same.
    ~Sarah Jane (Washington)

  55. Happy Birthday Idina! I wanted to do something special for myself for my birthday in July, so I’m treating myself to a weekend in San Francisco to see you perform! It will be a true gift to hear you sing…

    Jeana (Portland)

  56. Happy Birthday Idina or as my friends say it, Hippie Birdies!

    I’ve only discovered you recently, roughly Febuary time, but you had me enraptured from the first moment I heard sing. When you sing, this is going to sound so corny, I get these shivers down my spines especially when I listen to your live version of No Day But Today. I’m sorry to say this but I do fit into the teenage girl fan category which you so want to expand out of but I can say that I, unlike a lot of people, have absolutely no intention of making it on Broadway. I can’t sing or act, 9 years of dance lessons did nothing to aid my rhythm and my 4 year attempt at the flute didn’t go so great either. What I’m trying to say is that when you launched I Stand you were hoping to attract a new audience and I can quite comfortabley tell you that you did, I’m proof of that. As well as falling in love with your album I researched your Broadway background and I adored you there as well. You have provided me with so much joy, I wish I could return the favour in full but all I can do is wish your a very Happy Birthday from England, and hope you enjoy it to the full with family and friends, especially Walker :)

    Anna (Manchester, England)

  57. I just wanted to wish you a massive happy birthday all the way from Englsnd! I hope you had a fantastic day yesterday, because you truely deserve it! You are such an insperation too many, and I know you must have heard it so many times, but without you I don’t know where I’d be today. Your music has given me courage to do things, I didn’t know I was brave enough to even think about! And whenever I’m down it is always you who helps me through. Anyways, all I can say is one day I hope I could be a fraction of what you are today. Thank you so much.
    All my love, always
    Vyv xoxo

  58. Idina,
    I discovered you watching Rent for the first time 3 years ago. I loved the character you played, you were funny, and adventurous. So I searched who played Maureen Johnson only to discover who is now my favorite person in the whole world. You don’t know but you have inspired me to be who I am and be brave amd gorgeous on the inside. Thank you so much and have a wonderful birthday!

  59. Happy Birthday Idina!!
    You are such an amazing talent and I love watching and listening to you perform, whether on broadway, tv, film, or with your own music. I will always be a die hard fan, cant wait to see you sing in Bethel NY this summer!!! Have an awesome day!!

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