Teen Vogue published a nice little Q&A with Idina tonight. Read on!
You are judging the best performance of The Sound of Music’s “My Favorite Things.” What are some of your favorite things?
My son Walker is my favorite person in the entire world. Of course, my husband is also very special. I love sushi and going to see movies. Playing tennis is also one–I have a terrific backhand.
What are the three things you do everyday to make yourself feel beautiful?
I steal as many kisses as I can from my little boy. I use Dove Daily Treatment Conditioner to help repair the damage I inflict on my hair, and I use Kate Sommerville Daily Moisturizer every morning.
When did you know you wanted to be a performer?
I knew I wanted to be a performer from a very early age – I used to do little shows in my living room for my family. My grandfather would serve as my M.C. and the space behind the couch served as the “backstage.”
What advice do you have for aspiring performers?
Try to be yourself! It’s fine to be inspired by others – I have lots of inspirations – but don’t try to mimic. Embrace what makes you individual and special – it’s what will help you stand out from the crowd.
Is there any advice you wish someone had given you when you were a teen?
Teasing your bangs really high is not a good look!
What are your favorite holiday songs?
I’m Jewish so “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel” is certainly up there, but I love Christmas music. My favorites are “Do You Hear What I Hear” and “Oh Holy Night.”
What was your favorite part of guest-starring on Glee?
Singing with Lea Michele!
What can you tell us about your new ABC television pilot?
I’m so excited to be developing this show. It’s loosely based on my life and will have musical elements. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that everything comes together to make it happen.
Who were your teen idols growing up?
Barbra Steisand was an idol growing up and remains one today. I also loved Ralph Maccio–the ultimate Karate Kid.
Had to look up what bangs meant LOL… It’s your fringe, right? x
Haha yes – bangs = fringe.