Since launching our official Twitter in July 2009, we have earned nearly 2,000 followers – wow! In celebration of this (and to push us over that awesome benchmark), we are announcing a Twitter contest which begins the moment you are reading this!


– Get your friends to follow @idina_here!


– Ask your followers, friends, and family to follow @idina_here.
– They must tweet @idina_here with the message, “I’m following @idina_here because [your Twitter name] told me to!”
For example: “I’m following @idina_here because @idinamenzel told me to!”
– Whoever gets the most users following us wins an autographed 8×10 photo of Idina!


– You must have a Twitter account and follow @idina_here.
– Those who begin to follow @idina_here at your request must continue to do so until November 23 at 11:59 pm ET (though really, why would they want to unfollow?).
– You have until November 23, at 11:59 pm ET to encourage your friends to follow. Followers after this deadline will not be counted (but will be welcomed!).
– If they fail to include your Twitter name in their “I’m following…” Tweet, it will not be counted (because we won’t be able to!).
– Contest is open to everyone of all ages and in all countries.
– Winner will be determined by number of followers crediting a single user for following. If there is a tie, a random drawing will take place. Selection will be made November 24, 2010 and notified at that time. Winner must accept prize within 24 hours by responding to notification Tweet and providing the requested information. If winner does not respond, another will be chosen from the next-highest number of followers, and so on, until the prize is accepted. The winner will be announced on Twitter upon confirmed acceptance.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira