Win: Skintight Playbill Signed by Idina Menzel!

As we all know, Idina is starring in a new Off-Broadway play, Skintight, this Summer. Of course, I had to make a special trip out to NYC to see her! I made the most of it and caught the show in the evening on Friday, July 13 and then again at the matinee on July 14. This was my first play, and I tried to avoid spoilers, so I wasn’t totally sure what to expect going into it. I’ve always liked to joke that I would go see Idina perform even if she were singing the phone book and unsurprisingly, now I know that I would find her just as compelling and engaging if she were reading it instead! I found Skintight very funny and thought-provoking. Idina’s performance is intense and layered, and the entire cast was amazing alongside her. If you have the chance to catch Skintight before it closes on August 26, I highly recommend it! You can get more information and buy tickets at

Idina graciously let my sister & I visit with her after the show, so I put her to work signing Playbills for a few lucky fans and she was happy to oblige! All you have to do to enter is retweet the tweet above! Get a bonus entry by liking the tweet, as well. The winner must live in the US and follow @Idina_Here on Twitter (Idina does, so you should, too! :-P) I’ll randomly choose three winners on Monday, July 30.


Theme: Overlay by Kaira