You can’t get it all right all the time, but you can try your best. If you’ve done that, all that’s left is to accept your shortcomings and have the courage to try to overcome them.
If you follow your path…
If you follow your path and focus on love, things will work out.
Every morning that you wake up…
Every morning that you wake up you really do have the power, the opportunity, to start your life again.
If you can easily describe and categorize yourself…
If you can easily describe and categorize yourself, you’re probably adhering to others’ opinions of who and what you should be.
It’s okay to to be who you are…
It’s okay to to be who you are, and it’s okay to be figuring it out.
We have this strength inside of us and…
We have this strength inside of us and yet we are taught to always sort of keep it down. I sort of found in my life that I’ve taken a step back and made myself smaller in order to try to fit in. And that hasn’t worked. And we have to learn to kind of embrace what makes us unique, and embrace our strength and then if people don’t like it, fuck it.
Be yourself. I know…
Be yourself. I know that sounds cliche, but we all have seriously quirky things about us that may make us feel like an outsider or different, but those are the things to really celebrate. They’re what make us unique