Here you will find the largest collection of Idina Menzel-related videos on the web, with over 50 exclusive downloads! This includes talk shows, trailers, performances, music videos, and more! Take a moment to read the disclaimer, contact me with any questions, and enjoy!


* All files are zipped with WinZip (download is free, just click the link.)
* Make sure your computer has a player compatible with various video extensions (see below for details.)
* Please right-click on the download link and Save Target As to save to your own computer.
* Wait for the video to complete download, then enjoy!


This enormous collection of videos would never have been possible without the help of the following people:

  • Samantha - for the very first videos I ever gathered together
  • Carly - for uploading all the videos from the TV that I couldn't
  • Vanessa - for converting streaming videos for downloading
  • Nessa
  • Nadine
  • Christina
  • Sara

    Also, thanks to the following sites for providing new videos:

  • Cable Positive
  • Broadway Beat
  • Movie Trailers @


    All media files have been specially created, edited, compiled, and/or donated to the webmaster for sole use on this site, unless otherwise noted. DO NOT steal OR hotlink. This site has received no financial gain whatsoever over videos appearing on this site and clips are here for entertainment purposes ONLY, for use only by fans. The videos that are tagged for are meant to show that they were originally posted here and don't mean, in ANY WAY, that the footage belongs to this site! No infringement intended. Please, credit us when reposting the videos found in this archive.